>I wrote:
> >actually, there are good reasons to avoid the terms historical materialism
> >and dialectical materialism. They aren't Marx's terms.

Mine replies:
>Really? Marx says in Preface to the French edition of Capital (Tucker
>ed, p.301) the following:
>"My DIALECTIC METHOD  is not only different from the Hegelian, but is its
>direct opposite.to hegel, the life process of the human brain, ie the
>proces of thiking, which, under the name of the idea", he even transforms
>into an independent subject, is the demiurgos of the real world, and the
>real world is only the external,phenomenal form of the idea. With me, on
>the contrary, the ideal is nothing else than the material world reflected
>by the human mind, and translated into forms of thought"

>"dialectical method" is different from both "dialectical materialism" and
>"historical materialism." "Marx's dialectical method" is also less

See Althusser for a distinction.. 

>>I looked at the index of Tucker, Marx uses the concept "dialectic" in
>>pp.68-69, 106-25, 301-2...

>read what I said above. .

you said "they aren't Marx terms". I showed that they were. are you
treating a child Jim? it is flat obvious in the above passage that
"dialectial method" refers to "dialectical materialism as understood by

critical-realist methodology (whatever it is) is another obscurantist
play of words while we have a better, more sophisticated terminology
proposed by Marx. I am still not satified by the conceptual validity of
the term...

>BTW, some of the best stuff on dialectical method appears in Ollman's

I have read them already..  the whole world knows Lewontin's book..



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