This has to stop!  I contacted Louis yesterday and asked him not to respond to
Jerry's last post.  He graciously agreed.  We have better things to do than
engage in flame wars.

As I understand, this is the sort of behavior that ended the marxism lists.
Please, Jerry, on all other subjects you seem admirable in every respect.  You
have to stop this.

Gerald Levy wrote:

> I tried to send the following to the list yesterday. For some mysterious
> reason, it wasn't posted even though it didn't bounce back to me as
> undeliverable. Strange.
> But, before returning to the original issue under discussion, I want to
> disagree somewhat with Paul Z: indeed there are certain principles for
> socialists, including but not limited to: solidarity, internationalism,
> opposition to imperialism, opposition to exploitation and oppression, etc.
> As for the more precise question of whether Mark Jones and Proyect are
> principled, I believe the following post offers a definitive answer. But,
> in case there are ***any*** doubts about Mark J, remember what he had to
> say:
> He wrote that:
> The _New Left Review_ is a "faggot-valhalla" controlled by M16!
> Did you hear that? I'll repeat it again ...
> Mark Jones wrote that:
> ***The _New Left Review_ is a "faggot-valhalla" controlled by M16!***
> Did the significance of that statement sink in yet? So that you can't
> forget, let me repeat for a third time ...
> Mark Jones wrote that:
> Jones sounds like Lyndon LaRouche, doesn't he? He wrote the above on a
> Internet mailing list (M-INT). He not only refused to apologize but even
> defended it afterwards to the list. You don't have to take my word for
> this: you can check-out the M-INT archives. Doug H was on that list at the
> time so he should remember as well. I think Barkley was there as well.
> What does the above quote say about Jones? It says that he is --
> a) viciously homophobic!
> b) a cop-baiter!
> c) libelous!
> d) he has a conspiracy theory about _NLR_ that would make Lyndon LaRouche
>    blush!
> Yet this is the person that Michael has praised! This is the
> Stalin-worshiper that Proyect has entered into an unprincipled
> combination with!
> On to yesterday's post ...
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Thu, 21 May 1998 07:37:16-0400 (EDT)
> From: Gerald Levy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Progressive Economics <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: on the status of the pen-l list
> Michael wrote:
> > Let bygones be bygones.
> > The real enemy resides elsewhere.
> You still don't get it, do you?
> Re Jones: Not only is he viciously homophobic, but he also routinely
> calls others on the left "provocateurs", "counter-revolutionaries",
> "agents of US imperialism", etc. without any proof whatsoever. He has even
> -- on more than one occasion -- supported death threats against other
> leftists who don't agree with him.
> Should we say: "Let bygones be bygones" to Jones?  Not only would this
> be seen as a defense of (verbal) gay-bashing, but we would also be saying
> that cop-baiting and death threats are OK.
> Re Proyect: he *is* (part of) the real enemy! He is a member of management
> who has threatened to seek to have other leftists fired and has even
> contacted mgt. to get someone silenced and/or fired. He has also --
> knowinglyly, falsely, and maliciously -- accused someone of being an FBI
> agent.
> Does it matter at all if the reputation of a revolutionary is tainted
> forever by this charge that he was an FBI agent? If we say "Let bygones be
> bygones" to Proyect, we would be slapping this individual in the face
> again. Does it matter at all that a so-called "Marxist" has *crossed class
> lines* and _joined_ the real enemy by his actions?
> For Proyect, there is *NO* forgiving and forgetting. Moreover, it matters
> not one bit whether his actions occurred on pen-l or elsewhere. It matters
> not one bit whether he also writes posts which are not flames. What
> should *only* matter to us is that he has become an enemy of the working
> class -- a Benedict Arnold of the workers' movement.
> > I would like to see us accomplish something.
> How can we expect to accomplish anything unless we can take a stand
> against homophobia, death threats, sexism, cop-baiting, anti-labor
> activism, etc?
> Jerry

Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929

Tel. 530-898-5321

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