>In light of this whole pomo/anti-pomo discussion, I am reminded of
>one of my favorite quotes of Marx I believe from a from letter to
>Kugelmann in 1871:
>           "If the construction of the future and its completion
>         for all time is not our task, all the more certain is what
>         we must accomplish in the present; I mean, the ruthless
>         criticism of everything that exists; the criticism being
>         ruthless in the sense that it neither fears its own results
>         nor fears conflict with the powers that be."
>                                  Jim Craven


        I think the quote is from Marx's "Theses on Feuerbach." There are
11 theses. I don't have the resources with me to check it. When I go home,
I'll check it.


+Fikret Ceyhun                                  voice:  (701)777-3348 work +
+Dept. of Economics                                     (701)772-5135 home +
+Univ. of North Dakota                          fax:    (701)777-5099      +
+University Station, Box 8369            e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] +
+Grand Forks, ND 58202/USA                                                 +

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