I met Daniel Levine when I was working at my first real post-college job. I
was an editorial assistant at a Bay Area business paper, and while I have
since learned to kiss the very ground that working environment was built
on, at the time I was shocked and appalled by the horrors of the adult
working world. 

I was struggling with 7 a.m. wake-ups, public transportation, cubicles,
recycled air, the necessity of smiling at people I didn't like. I was
struggling with exhaustion and with the fact that I worked full time and
couldn't pay both my rent and my student loans. I was struggling with my
hatred for the bagels provided every Friday morning and the leather
organizer given out every Christmas in lieu of a decent paycheck. 

Danny was a financial reporter at the paper, and I remember him primarily
for his comments the day I quit to take a junior reporting position

"How much are they going to pay you?" he'd asked me, and when I'd told him
$8 an hour, he'd shaken his head. 

"Benefits?" he'd asked, and I'd shaken mine. 

"Bastards," he'd muttered. 

Although I barely knew him, I had felt an odd surge of gratitude toward
this man who had seemed to be the only grown-up in the working world to see
the sleaziness that passed for decent corporate policy and to call it by
its name. 

Judging by his book, "Disgruntled: The Darker Side of the World of Work,"
published this month by Berkeley Boulevard Books, he is continuing to do so. 

The very real problems of the modern-day workplace -- stagnant salaries,
long hours, economic disparity, demoralizing conditions, eroding civil
liberties -- have been trivialized in the incredibly unfunny world of
"Dilbert" and essentially ignored by the business pages. It's somewhat of a
shock, therefore, to pick up a book and find yourself face to face with an
unabashed acknowledgment of the fact that working for a living, generally
speaking, sucks. 

The book, which grew out of Levine's online magazine, Disgruntled, provides
serious reporting on the state of the modern workplace, facts and figures
about salaries and hours, and information about employer practices such as
pre-employment screening, surveillance and drug testing. There are also
workplace horror stories you're not likely to have seen in the mainstream
press and wonderful accounts of employee revenge. 

The inspiration for the book grew not so much out of Levine's own work
experiences, he told me, but rather out of his experiences as a business
reporter -- being expected to always write from an employer perspective,
finding the people he interviewed increasingly unhappy with their jobs. 

"If it seems we are working harder and longer for less, that's because we
are," he writes in the book's opening chapter. "The debate gets framed in
many ways. Critics talk about the widening gap between rich and poor,
between workers and CEOs, but what really eats away at people and
demoralizes them is their failed expectation of fairness in the workplace.
For some reason they expect hard work to be rewarded, think those rewards
should be proportional to the contributions made to an enterprise and feel
everyone should be treated the same. The workplace has never been fair.
Like they used to say in ancient Egypt, 'You don't get promoted to Pharaoh
by working hard on a pyramid.'" 

At least in the days of the Pharaoh, though, you knew who the enemy was.
The guy in the loincloth with the whip in his hand was the guy ruining your
day, and the guy in the funny hat sitting in the throne up on the hill was
the guy ruining his. Those were the days before the era of team members and
co-workers and mission statement participation. 

It's as if somewhere along the way, employers realized you catch more flies
with honey than with vinegar, and (for the most part) out went the goon
squads of an earlier era and in came the company picnic and bagels every
Friday. We eat our "free" breakfasts, call our fellow team members -- who
just happen to make 200 times more than we do -- by their first names and
wonder why we feel so, well, disgruntled. 

Levine's book cuts through the façade of civility that has framed
employee-employer relations in the second half of the century, and that's
why it's so refreshing to read. It's riddled with stories of employees
chained to their desks by supervisors, locked into the office for drug
testing, spied on after complaining, traumatized by too-real security
demonstrations and just plain pissed about too many hours and not enough
money. Levine makes no bones about pointing out the lows to which employers
will stoop to maintain order in their companies and fat checks in their
bank accounts. And he offers suggestions on building a life less dependent
on them. 

In closing, here are a few figures from "Disgruntled" to keep you smiling
on your way to work in the morning: 

--Between 1980 and 1995, CEO pay climbed 500 percent, while factory wages
rose 70 percent.  

--By 1987, the average employee worked at least 163 more hours per year
than in 1969.  

--Since 1989, the total number of announced corporate layoffs has exceeded
3 million.  

--And, just to throw in my two cents, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
says the median salary that same year was $490 per week, $29 less in real
terms than was earned in 1979. 

Now, get to work. 

SALON | Sept. 25, 1998  

Louis Proyect


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