I see the three topics in my heading being symptomatic of the way power
is thrown about today.  A small college executive, fearing trouble about
"radical" activitity on campus,wields all her power against an
individual faculty member.  Clinton fearing domestic (in a double
sense?) problems bombs Iraq.  On the other hand, we have no visible
outside power making the British feel the need to stand up against the
evils that the junta perpetuated; instead, Blair [god knows why] joins
with Clinton on the bombing.

All the while, we remain unorganized.  We are left to respond to each
individual outrage, but without ongoing organization, we have not been
able to change the course of events.

Again, I hope that the impeachment mires the Congress down for a year.
They will more harm than good whenever they act.  If Pinochet had
returned to Chile, it would have created a rubber stamp precedent in
which the U.S. would have been able to determine who was and who was not
guilty of crimes against humanity.  Certainly, Fidel, Khaddafi, Saddam
.... and the usual suspects would have been first on the list.

At least, I can still vent on pen-l, but I sure do with that we could
apply our knowledge directly to accomplish something.  I never cease to
be amazed at the wide extent of information that people here (and on LBO
and marxism) have.  If this were an age of the information revolution we
would win, but organization still counts and we are probably the most
disorganized bunch of people around.

Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929
fax 530-898-5901

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