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Date sent:              Tue, 06 Apr 1999 16:27:21 -0700
To:                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From:                   Sid Shniad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:                US/NATO'S HYPOCRITIC OATH


        by Andre Gunder Frank 
        April 4, 1999

The US government wishes to invoke international law to protect 
three American soldiers held by the Yugoslav government under the 
Geneva Convention regarding prisoners of war. Yet at the same 

        The 19 states of NATO led by the United States are or have 
        just been flagrantly violating international law - and without 
        even any declaration of war - in wantonly bombing military 
        and civilian targets  in Yugoslavia, including two buildings 
        in the very center of  Belgrade on April 2 deliberately 
        blocking a major international waterway normally  used for 
        commercial shipping by non combatant and neutral  
        countries, by bombing a culturally significant bridge over 
        the Danube in Novi Sad and plunging it into the river.

The NATO states deliberately by-pass the entire United Nations 
organization and set aside the consultative procedures it, and 
especially its Security Council, offers for the discussion and 
settlement of international Disputes. These include in particular 
those that guarantee human rights and those that may threaten the 
peace. Thereby the NATO member states including the United 
States are blatantly abrogating - even more than violating - the 
mainstay of international law

NATO and particularly the United States has been obstructing 
international criminal law by deliberately failing to arrest and 
remand to the War Crimes Court in The Hague persons indicted for 
genocide and other violations of human rights who are in the de 
facto and perhaps de jure jurisdiction of NATO forces in Bosnia, 
members of which provided for such arrest and remand as part of 
the settlement at Dayton, USA.

The very man, Milosevic, who at Dayton was selected and 
supported to guarantee and implement the Dayton agreement is 
now being demonized and used as the pretext for this illegal NATO 
bomb attack against an entire country. However, Milosevic 
abrogated Kosovo autonomy already ten years ago and began his 
autocratic rule fanning Serbian nationalism even more than ten 
years ago, when it was also Western generated causes of and then 
Western support for the breakup of Yugoslavia that gave Milosevic 
that opportunity. [Shades of the first US/Western support and then 
blame of Saddam Hussein, to whom Milosevic is only now being 

NATO bombing has effectively emasculated the very Serbian 
opposition to Milosevic and his rule, which offered the best chance 
and mechanism for a democratic, peaceful political settlement and 
the furtherance of more humanitarian policies in Serbia, including 
Kosovo, and also in the Serbian populated regions of Bosnia. This 
domestic opposition to Milosevic was long led by the Serbian 
Peace, Women's and other Democratic movements.  They became a 
world wide model of peaceful mobilization when they brought 
hundreds of thousands of people out into the streets during a 
months of winter nights and which thereby obliged Milosevic to 
revoke a number of undemocratic and illegal measures. If the 
NATO powers had had even the slightest interest in promoting 
democracy or human rights anywhere in Yugoslavia, including at 
the time in Bosnia and Croatia, they would have worked with rather 
then undercut the domestic democratic movements. [Again exactly 
the same was and still is true in Iraq].

NATO bombing, as the CIA and Pentagon reportedly predicted, 
has immeasurably increased the deprivation of the Kosovo 
Albanians' life, property, home, and country. It is difficult to see 
how any measures could now or ever in the future restore even 
what little they had before NATO bombs and Serbian persecution 
drove them out into neighboring countries - where the humanitarian 
concern of NATO had not made the slightest preparation to care 
for them. And still at the time of this writing, the number of 
Albanian refugees FROM Serbia does not yet or is only just 
beginning to match the number of Serbian refugees TO Serbia, who 
were forced out Of Croatia by ethnic cleansing that was itself 
instigated and supported by NATO policy. So there is more than 
just hypocrisy in the comparison and relation of these two flows of 
refugees. It will be a macabre irony if the Croatian Serbs, who were 
displaced with NATO help and still have found no place to take 
root, end up in Serbian Kosovo after NATO also helps to chase the 
Albanians out!

NATO member states have always denounced and combated all 
'terrorist' military and para-military forces [except of course those 
that they themselves have trained, armed and financed around the 
world from Indochina, via Afghanistan and Angola to Columbia and 
Guatemala and Nicaragua]. Yet now the military wing of the 
Albanian movement in Kosovo have become 'freedom fighters', alas 
without hardly a leg to stand on any more in Kosovo after ten days 
of NATO bombing and Serb military offensive. Ironically 
hypocritical also is the NATO support to and intended if not 
realized protection of the very Albanian organizations that the 
police forces of several of the same NATO member states have 
accused of large scale drug trafficking, in violation of course also of 
international law.

There is also at least a touch of hypocrisy in the discussion in the 
United States of now bringing up charges of genocide in Kosovo . 
For its government delayed 40 years to sign the international 
genocide convention, and in the meantime instigated it in 
Guatemala [as President Clinton recently admitted there], done it 
through carpet bombing in Indochina [were the Vietnamese, 
Laotians and Cambodians swept under the carpet?] and waited for 
those otherwise defamed Vietnamese to stop the genocide in 
Cambodia. and also to supported it or looked the other way 
elsewhere, including turning a blind eye to NATO members 
Turkey's genocidal policy towards its own and neighboring Kurds. 
Indeed, the United States itself has been responsible for the death 
for many hundreds of thousands of Iraqi men, women and children 
through bombing and the resulting damage and poisoning with 
depleted but still radioactive uranium, and a soon decade long 
embargo, that cripples the Iraqi economy and social services - and 
what for? First and foremost to sustain the already low price of oil 
by keeping a maximum of Iraqi oil off the world market. And even 
still very recently in other parts of the former Yugoslavia, the 
United States and some of its same NATO partners first set up 
some 'safe havens' in Bosnia, and then 'helplessly' stood by to watch 
massive massacres and ethnic cleansing. For 'safe' areas were taken 
over by Bosnian Serbs [with help from the same Yugoslav army] 
who massacred whole communities of Muslims in Srebrenica and 
elsewhere then of course to take over their properties. Hundreds of 
thousands of Serbs were themselves driven out by Croatians who 
similarly enriched themselves, only on a still larger scale. Maybe the 
Genocide convention was still too recently signed by the United 
States yet to intervene under its cover then.

Shameful hypocrisy also has been the consistent failure, nay even 
refusal, of the major Western NATO powers first to avoid and then 
to remedy the breakup of Yugoslavia and its dreadful consequences 
that are allegedly of age old 'ethnic' origin. Far from it, for at each 
step of the way, it was the  these same Western powers and their 
policy or lack thereof that provoked and condoned the domino-like 
set of events that are too long even to summarize. Moreover, each 
time it was the Western powers who [deliberately?] refused to 
accept settlements to avoid bloodshed until it was much too late 
and the combination of countless deaths with their power politics 
resulted in what was essentially the self -same settlement that had 
been rejected years before, e.g. the Owens Plan and the Dayton 
Agreement. So again at Rambouillet the Western powers held out 
for a 'settlement' that they knew MUST be unacceptable to 
Yugoslavia, while in Paris all major Yugoslav parties, including the 
Albanians, came to an agreement that the Western powers rejected. 
So NATO started bombing because it wanted to and not as it 
hypocritically alleges because all other options had run out.  No 
sooner did NATO bombs start falling than the Russian Prime 
Minister flew to Belgrade and negotiated an agreement that would 
have stopped the persecution and exodus of Albanians in Kosovo 
and would have permitted an immediate cease fire. But of course 
that was not acceptable to the major [although yes to some minor] 
NATO powers, for whom the plight of the Albanians is no more 
than a hypocritical excuse for the American NATO offensive in the 

P.S. The First Lady of the first NATO power Hillary Rodham 
Clinton, speaking in Morocco a couple of days ago, lamented the 
human tragedy in Yugoslavia, but said she was even more disturbed 
by twisting the truth and falsifying history. Alas she found fault for 
this hypocrisy only in the President of Yugoslavia and not at all in 
her presumably ever faithful and truthful husband, the President of 
the United States.


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