The National Post                              Monday, May 31, 1999


        By James Bissett

        It is time for NATO's political leaders to admit their unjust and 
unnecessary war against Yugoslavia has been a colossal failure. It is 
time to put an immediate end to the bombing before ground troops 
are engaged and the war escalates. For 69 days the democratic 
countries of the West have been systematically smashing to pieces a 
modern European state. None of NATO's objectives has been 
achieved. The air strikes have degenerated into a war of annihilation 
against the Serbian people. 
        Yugoslavia is a small country with a population of less than 10 
million people of whom approximately 65% are of Serbian origin. 
Even before the bombing, its economy had collapsed as a result of 
economic sanctions. Its leader was unpopular, and in the last 
municipal elections in Belgrade his party received less than 20% of 
the vote. It was a country that presented no threat either to its 
neighbours or to European security. 
        Despite this, our NATO leaders -- without consulting their 
parliaments or their people -- have chosen to bomb Yugoslavia into 
submission. There should be no misunderstanding about this. 
NATO is using the most dreadful weapons of modern warfare: 
cluster bombs and cruise missiles. Many of the weapons being used 
contain depleted uranium, which will spread deadly radioactive dust 
throughout the region, contaminating for generations water, soil 
and crops. It may come as a surprise to many Canadians to realize 
Canada is the major supplier of depleted uranium to the U.S. 
military complex. 
        NATO's unprovoked attack is a blatant violation of every 
precept of international law. It is a violation of the Final Act of the 
Conference On Security and Co-operation in Europe, signed in 
Helsinki in August, 1975, which reaffirmed respect for sovereign 
equality, the inviolability of frontiers, the peaceful settlement of 
disputes, non-intervention in internal affairs, and the avoidance of 
the threat or use of force. It is a violation of NATO's own treaty by 
which it undertakes "to settle any international dispute . . . by 
peaceful means . . . and to refrain from the threat or use of force in 
any manner inconsistent with the purposes of the United Nations." 
        Some apologists for NATO, including our own foreign minister, 
feebly try to justify the NATO bombing by arguing ethnic cleansing 
in Kosovo had to be stopped. Prior to March 24, the Yugoslav 
military, using classic counter-insurgency tactics, did burn and 
destroy villages in Kosovo suspected of harbouring KLA rebels, 
and many of the unfortunate inhabitants of these villages were killed 
or displaced -- but there was no mass expulsion from Kosovo. As 
has been verified by OSCE monitors who were on the ground in 
Kosovo, the mass expulsion of Albanians took place after the 
        The Yugoslav army is forcing the Albanians out of Kosovo as a 
strategy of war. In anticipation of a NATO ground invasion, the 
Yugoslavs do not wish to fight against the world's most powerful 
military force while at the same time surrounded by a hostile 
population. In war, the friend of your enemy is your enemy. It is not 
a humane strategy, but then neither is the use of cluster bombs. 
        If NATO felt compelled to intervene militarily in what was a 
relatively low-grade armed rebellion in Yugoslavia, why then did it 
not follow the rules and go before the United Nations Security 
Council seeking authority to intervene? We are told NATO did not 
do so because it was assumed Russia or China might have vetoed 
such an action. But this is precisely why the founders of the UN 
stipulated that before there could be intervention in a sovereign 
state there must be agreement by all five of the great powers. It was 
considered that intervention without unanimity might involve armed 
conflict between or among the five themselves. 
        Today some NATO leaders scorn the UN and tell us human 
rights must prevail over sovereign rights. Yet none of them are able 
to suggest new rules to replace the ones in place. Those who 
express concern about this are regarded as old-fashioned, but is it 
old-fashioned to assume that until new laws are proclaimed the old 
ones should be respected? 
        It may be some of our NATO leaders are not old enough to 
remember that the founders of the United Nations had lived through 
two cataclysmic world wars in less than 20 years. They had 
witnessed the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by atomic 
bombs. Those who drafted the United Nations framework for world 
peace and security did so in the conviction of one simple truth, that 
if mankind were to survive it had to learn at all costs to put an end 
to war and to learn to settle disputes by peaceful means. 
        To their everlasting shame, our NATO leaders have chosen war 
over peace in Kosovo. They have abandoned diplomacy in favour 
of bloodshed. They have taken us back to the Cold War and the 
arms race. They have smashed the framework of world security. 
They have guaranteed that we will start the new century as we did 
this one, with killing and carnage. They have left us with a terrible 
legacy. With six months to go before the millennium, they have 
taken us back to barbarism.  

James Bissett is former Canadian ambassador to Yugoslavia (1990-

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