Geez you can give value for 2k, Doug!  Right on the button, for mine, on
both counts - in Oz as it is in US.

>As far as dangers go, this is pretty far down on the list in 1999. And any
>U.S. radical has to take a critique of petit bourgeois (no quotes for me,
>thank you) influence seriously - e.g. the localist, individually
>self-reliant, small-business fantasies that permeate populist and green
>politics specificially and American ideology in general.
>>I like the rejection of bourgeois respectability.  The Beats played this
>>role in America.
>And the Beats were a major inspiration for what Tom Frank & the Baffler
>Boys call the commofidication of dissent, too - lifestyle rebels with a
>deeply reactionary streak.

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