The job offers keep pouring in:

From: "Florence Gardner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (by way of Michael
Eisenscher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)
Subject: Quick contract research job for AFL-CIO
Mime-Version: 1.0

Dear friends:

I am looking for a grad student-type we can hire ASAP for a month or so
of quick and dirty regional economic data gathering on about twenty
cities. This could be done from anywhere as long as someone has a
computer and internet connection. The AFL-CIO would pay this person as a


Would you all be so kind as to forward this email to students or
faculty who might lead us to someone who could do this?

Anyone who's interested can email me back at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]



Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929
fax 530-898-5901

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