Sven Robinson is Foreign Affairs Critic of the Federal NDP.
Initially, he and the party supported the bombing.
  Cheers, Ken Hanly




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      <p><font size=-1>5/6/99</font><br>

<a href=''><font size=-1>Robinson on 
mission to Balkan states</font></a><br>

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<p><font size=-1>5/4/99</font><br>

<a href=''><font size=-1>Together 
CLC and NDP must tackle future</font></a><br>

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<p><font size=-1>5/3/99</font><br>

<a href=''><font size=-1>McDonough 
calls for suspension of bombing</font></a><br>

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<font size=-2>5/6/99 11:34:51 AM</font><p>

<font size=+2>Robinson on mission to Balkan states</font><br>

<font size=+1 color="#555599"> </font>

<br><font color="#777777"><i>bySvend Robinson</i></font>


OTTAWA – New Democrat Foreign Affairs Critic Svend Robinson announced today he will 
travel to Yugoslavia, Kosovo and neighbouring countries on a humanitarian fact-finding 
Robinson will arrive in Belgrade for high level meetings on Monday, May 17th. 
Following the meetings, he will travel to Kosovo on Tuesday, May 18th to visit 
Pristina and other areas over a period of two days. On Thursday, May 20th Robinson 
will travel to Albania and then proceed to Macedonia on Friday, May 21st before 
returning to Canada on Saturday, May 22nd.<br>
During the mission, Robinson will seek to examine all options for a negotiated, 
diplomatic solution to the conflict. He will meet directly with senior Yugoslav 
government officials, Members of Parliament from both the government and opposition 
parties, journalists and others to hear their positions on the war in Yugoslavia.<br>
Robinson has received assurances from Yugoslavian government officials that he will 
have full and unrestricted right of movement and access to individuals while in 
Belgrade and Kosovo.<br>
Robinson underscored that any solution must ensure the right of all Kosovar Albanians 
to return to their homes and communities in peace and security.  He noted that there 
is a looming humanitarian disaster in Kosovo, with over 400,000 internally displaced 
refugees and virtually no outside witnesses.<br>
“We must do everything in our power to help find a peaceful solution to this terrible 
tragedy," Robinson said. "NATO’s strategy of continuing to expand air strikes, with 
more civilian casualties and non-military targets, and its insistence on an 
international peacekeeping force with a core of NATO combatants, is a human, 
environmental and military disaster."<br>
"We must suspend the bombing immediately and give diplomatic negotiations, under UN 
auspices, a chance,” he said.<br>
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