
         The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 17 September 1999
                       Vol. 3, Numbers 75 (#333)


Heartfield versus Hitler

Nazis Among Us

FALANGE: The Right WIng In the Spanish Civil War


                          QUOTE OF THE WEEK:
    For those who believe that fascism is only a thing of the past

From:    ipm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [WINmail] Smash the Racemixers
Date:    Mon, 13 Sep 1999 21:24:38 -0400

Several of us have discussed infiltrating some of the racemixer
mailinglists hosted by ONEList. In case you haven't checked some of
these sickening lists, you definitely need to. Most ostensibly operate 
as meeting places for degenerates who want interracial sex.

Typically, its Black men looking for White women, but there's also the
reverse too. Also a few are devoted to White men and Black women.
Either way, its disgusting and should be an affront to every decent
White person.

I'd like to ask anyone who's think thinks they might be interested in
disrupting a few of these lists to go look through them and report
which one's you think make the best targets. Just go to the ONEList
website and enter some keywords into the site search engine. That will
turn up dozens of related lists, some of which are dead or only have
sporadic postings.

Don't take any action yet, since we need to coordinate our operation
for maximum effectiveness. I advise everyone to go set-up a Hotmail or
Netscape email address for use in this operation.

For those who don't already know, our tenative activity will involve
setting up phony sex dates with these racemixers. But before we do
that, we need to select a mailing list and get a feel for its
operation. Then we can devide a more specific strategy.

  -- For White Unity,

                               - - - - -


IPM's tactic of "setting up phony sex dates with these racemixers"
throws enormous light on the murders of Las Vegas anti-fascists Daniel
Shersty (Black) and Lin "Spit" Newborn (white). Regular TINAF readers
know of this event; there's a list of references below for new

Anti-Racist Action (ARA) believes that two women made dates with both
of them the night they were murdered. This came after racist skinheads
were organizing in the Las Vegas area and had been confronted many
times, particularly by Newborn.

But we also have reports that other anti-fascists speculated that the
murders were the result of a drug-deal turned bad.

These suppositions create difficulties for the creation of a broad,
pluralistic, coalition against hate-based action.

They first introduce a sectarianism, as if any drug user is not moral
enough to fight against the next Holocaust. We would all be dead if
successful anti-fascist work required everyone in the coalition to
agree with everyone else. In reality we are divided by differences --
some deep and some not -- that so many of us have invested with
tremendous emotional impact. Anti-fascists can argue endlessly about,
e.g., the decisions of the Second World Zionist Congress or wearing
leather. Even readers will have their own differences about whether my
reference to the Congress or leather was the buffoonish one.

One central principle around anti-fascist organizing is that "an injury
to one is an injury to all." This is vital to the anti-narcissistic
pro-tolerance philosophy that must guide our actions. This principle
occasionally creates anxiety for some who would rather not defend other
victims of fascist violence. Unfortunately, the presentation of
unconfirmed hypotheses of the victim's wrongdoing contributes to a
breach in our unified defense and creates a slippery slope where one
can always find reasons to withhold defense. 

Is the Black man hanging from the tree really a victim of a KKK
lynching or is the whole thing the result of a rape gone bad? Not
surprisingly, the latter interpretation has always been one the Klan
put forward.

Was the attack on the Jewish couple really the work of anti-Semites or
that of indignant tenants against a slumlord? One need not be very
creative to imagine what the fascists would maintain.

Certainly the IPM document does not in itself prove that Shersty and
Newborn were set up for assassination by fascist skinheads. But it does
confirm -- as ARA has long maintained -- that "phony sexdates" with
anti-fascist activists are part of today's fascist tactics.

This alone should spur the Las Vegas Police to deepen their
investigation into the murders. And, in an abstractly ideal world of
equal justice, it would.

It should also lead those who came up with alternate hypotheses to
check both their data and their motivation.

                               - - - - -

Anti-Racist Action / Ann Arbor, "WARNING: Police Crackdown on Anti-Klan
Protesters," 15 Jul 98

Joe Schoenmann (Las Vegas Review-Journal), "Anti-Racist Skinheads
Killed," 7 Jul 98, TINAF,  8 Jul 98 -- 2:38 (#133)

Joe Schoenmann (Las Vegas Review-Journal), "Skinhead slayings expose
hatred: Documentation of racist groups in LV  is scant, but some
residents say hate crimes are a growing threat," 9 Jul 98

Anti-Racist Action / Montreal, "Planet Smashers, Shades of Culture To
Play Benefit Tribune To Slain Anti-Racists," TINAF, 22 Jun 99, 3:48

Michael Novick (People Against Racist Terror), "Open Letter To the
Simon Wiesenthal Center On Two Murdered Members of Anti-Racist Action,"
TINAF 3 Sep 1999 -- 3:71 (#324)


                         WHAT'S WORTH CHECKING
  stories via <ftp://ftp.nyct.net/pub/users/tallpaul/publish/story4/>

Susan Drumheller, "Attorney sues two papers: Aryan Nations' lawyer says
articles libelous," 28 Aug 99, "Sagle attorney Edgar J. Steele has
filed lawsuits against The Spokesman-Review and Bonner Daily Bee
newspapers alleging that the papers printed libelous articles about
him. The articles reported on Steele's work representing the Aryan
Nations." <1131.txt>

Carl Quintanilla and Kevin Helliker (Wall Street Journal), "S. Dakota
cases raise questions on hate crimes: Report of beating by Indians on
white spurs media frenzy," 27 Aug 99, "In July, when authorities in the
South Dakota town of Mobridge charged four white youths in the death of
a young Indian named Robert Many Horses, not many people outside the
region seemed to notice. But this week, when police charged three young
Indians in the brutal beating of a Martin, S.D., white man named Brad
Young, the story went national. Never mind that beatings rarely get
even local news coverage unless they're fatal. The beating of Young,
who remains in critical condition, won space in newspapers from coast
to coast. Television programs such as NBC's 'Today' also gave coverage
to the beating. To some American Indians, the difference in news play
is clear evidence of racism." <1132.txt>

American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, "Arab Americans support
the fight against the takeover of KPFA," 26 Jul 99 + update, "The board
members of the American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, San
Francisco chapter fully support the fight against the 'hostile
takeover' of KPFA. KPFA is one of the few media outlets that provides
fair and accurate reporting on the affairs of underrepresented
communities.  We are concerned that the takeover might severely impact
underrepresented communities such as ours by furthering their exclusion
from media visibility." <1133.txt>

AFL-CIO Executive Council Statement (press release), "AFL-CIO Exec
Calls on WTO to Raise Living Standards," 4 Aug 99 <1134.txt>

ADC (press release), "Arab Immigrants Discriminated Against by Census
Bureau: Hiring Guidelines Exclude Legal Immigrants from Arab World,
Africa and Asia," 13 Aug 99, "The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination
Committee (ADC) has asked for clarification from the Secretary of
Commerce, William M. Daly, of reports that the Department of Commerce
has issued hiring guidelines for "Census 2000" jobs which would exclude
all non-citizen immigrants from Arab nations.  Information confirmed by
ADC indicates that the Department of Commerce has sent a list of 56
"allied nations" to its census field offices, limiting the hiring of
Census 2000 workers to legal immigrants from these countries only.  The
list apparently includes only European and Latin American nations, as
well as Israel, and therefore excludes all non-citizen legal Arab
immigrants solely on the basis of their country of origin." <1135.txt>

Colin Adamson (Evening Standard), "Charity Shops Are Front For
Fascists: Hard-Right behind London funding con," 12 Aug 99, "An
extremist right-wing group with links to neo-fascists on the Continent
is covertly raising funds through a chain of London 'charity' shops. An
Evening Standard investigation today uncovers evidence that large
numbers of unsuspecting members of the public are being duped into
donating goods and money to the Trust of St Michael the Archangel,
which purports to have links with the Roman Catholic Church. In fact,
the trust has no connection whatsoever with the Church.  Profits from
the "charity" shops are financing neo-fascist propaganda and a sinister
indoctrination programme specifically targeting children both in
Britain and across Europe." <1136.txt>

Farhan Haq (InterPress Service), "Latest Shootings Show Reach of Racist
Network," 12 Aug 99, "When Buford Furrow Jr, charged with the shooting
at a Jewish community centre in California, surrendered to Federal
Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Wednesday he told agents that he 'wanted
to send a message to America by killing Jews.' For many on the racist
right, he says, the next few years will be important because they see
the coming of the millennium as the advent of a 'racial war'."

International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (press release),
"Global labour group warns Venezuela over international obligations,"
13 Aug 99, "The Brussels-based International Confederation of Free
Trade Unions (ICFTU) has called on the UN's International Labour
Organisation (ILO) to send an urgent mission to Venezuela and has
warned  the country's President, Hugo Chavez, that it may seek action
by international lending institutions should Venezuela renege on its
obligations under international law. The moves follow publication in
Venezuela of a draft decree being considered by the new Constituent
Assembly for adoption next Tuesday (August 17) which provides for the
dissolution of Venezuela's national trade union organisation, the
Confederacion de Trabajadores Venezuelanos (CTV), one of Latin
America's largest trade unions." <1138.txt>

Associated Press (no author), "Campaign for Indigenous Rights Runs into
U.S. Opposition," 15 Aug 99, "In 1985, leaders of more than 300 million
indigenous peoples in over 70 countries started campaigning for a U.N.
declaration recognizing their right to self determination and land. But
indigenous leaders say their campaign has run into strong opposition on
those two key demands from the United States, Canada, Australia and New
Zealand." <1139.txt>

Kenneth Rapoza (InterPress Service), "Book Review -- 'Don't Think
Smile: Notes on a Decade of Denial', by Ellen Willis, 192 pages, Beacon
Press, Boston)," 11 Aug 99 <1140.txt>

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