G'day Jim,

>I expect that Alan G. will try to keep the Wall Street/Main Street bubble
>economy growing as long as possible. But do you really think he cares about
>Gore? He's an erstwhile follower of Ayn Rand after all, while Gore embraces
>a totally technocratic ideology. 

Well, Rand was a bit all over the place, wasn't she?  Greenspan is the
fountainhead to whom all look for guidance - no more one of Rand's 'men of
the mind' than a technocrat (an untenably thin distinction, anyway), reputed
to be unrivalled in his manipulation of the technology of interest rates
(and his ability to speak for great lengths of time without conveying
meaning, but I digress).  
- And his 'mebbe we're in a new economy' line (as committed a claim as he
has made in 12 years, I suspect) is nicely in line with the brand
differentiation Al 'father-of-the-Net' Gore has chosen for himself ...  
- And both men obviously went to the same surgeon for their
personalitectomies ...  
- And the new Gore has been very much the
into-being-or-became-popular-in-the-first-place man these last four years or
so ...
- And isn't the new Greenspan the man with his all-knowing hands on the
levers - and isn't that what a technocrat does?

>And George Dubya may draw the all-important Greenspan vote by endorsing
school vouchers, killing more
>prisoners, etc.

I wouldn't have thought issuing vouchers or cooking prisoners were
particularly/definitively Randian manouvres.  

Anyway, doesn't *The Fountainhead* tell us it's okay to blow up the Fed and
the IMF?  After all, both are structures we originally built, only to have
them rudely transformed at the hands of techno-bureau-crats.  And  doesn't
*Atlas Shrugged* tell us that the bureaucratic manipulation of interest
rates is nought but a feather aimed at the armpits of the god-like Soroses
and Buffets who hold our world aloft?

Isn't that sort of thing more particularly/definitively Randian?

Al and Al are two of a kind, surely?

Yours absolutely time-wastingly,

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