Howdy Penners,

If you go back a couple of years to when the lovely Henry K. was touting the
latest instalment of his memoirs, there was an extensive excerpt published
in "Foreign Affairs" in which Dr Death tried to have it both ways (as
usual). But in acknowledging the differences that arose between the great
power paleoconservatives and the fiercely ideological neoconservatives
(whilst reconciling these in his take on the Reagan era) he cannot dissemble
enough to conceal exactly what Justin is saying. I.e., the "best minds"
advocated and, where possible, practised containment. This was anathema to
the neocons who emphasised the moral repugnance of communism and who
preached far more aggressive policies than were countenanced by Nixon. (And
which makes Bush's mass resurrection of Gerald Ford people more than a
little interesting.)

BTW, Henry is now bringing more western wisdom and enlightenment to the good
folks of China once again, this time in the guise of a consultant for Pepsi.
Apparently Nixon was an attorney for Pepsi prior to his run in 1968.

Gives one a whole new perspective on the "Pepsi Generation", doesn't it?

Michael K.

ps. Was Paul O'Neill really so wonderful at Alcoa? There has been a flurry
of press profiles which have played up his attention to worker safety there.
How reliable is this?

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