>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 01/30/01 11:22PM >>>

Nice discussion. To your question ,
What government bureaucrat would decide? (as to what is "faith based" and what not)

The answer is the tax court and then the regular federal Court of Appeals, as I 
recall.   ( Judges are bureaucrats too).

It seems obvious that giving religious charities some advantage over non-religious 
charities  ( as you describe , Bush proposes the religious contribution wouldn't have 
to itemize to take it) should trigger the Establishment Clause, but the Supreme Court 
has pretty much demonstrated that it is willing to make up the law as it goes along.


What if "National Public Radio" changed their name to "National Public
Radio and Religion" and added an hour of religious programming a week?
Would they then qualify for the deduction?

The possibilities are endless.  


CB: And sickening

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