> From:          Chris Burford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>Who benefits by the death [of Laurent Kabila]?

A lot of Zimbabweans think they do, but it's premature to think the 
12,000 troops will come home...

> We are right on the faultline that we debate in different forms: how much 
> should the democratic deficit be overlooked in a country struggling against 
> the dominant imperialism, or when is the dominant imperialism more 
> progressive in that

Are you factoring in the dominant subimperialism here? That's 
looting by Mugabe and his generals, of DRC's copper and cobalt, and 
use of Zim's troops, effectively, as a national mercenary team...

> a) it is accelerating the tortuous process towards world government

Hope not!
> b) it is defending bourgeois democratic rights within the country?

Still dreaming, comrade Chris!

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