At 21/09/01 21:47 -0500, you wrote:
>I stand by what I've written.
>Andrew Hagen

Yes it is presumptuous but I see some advantages to that. Certainly there 
must be serious debate within the left about the best way forward, even if 
it does not have to be totally united to be effective.

The trouble with Andrew's piece was that IMHO it did not really hit the 
mark - possibly because the web-site does not permit cut and paste so it is 
not easy to have direct quotes - all right Andrew did give one.  But 
certainly I read it to be a warning that the USA was highly likely to react 
with self-righteous revenge in a way that would actually be everything the 
terrorists would want.

The trouble with Chomsky as far as I understand him, is more difficult to 
pin down. Basically he comes over to me as a moral critic of the USA, a 
seer denouncing the evil of his own side. In the broadest terms, I agree if 
Andrew says, that Chomsky gives this impression. But it is not a very 
realistic basis for developing a real political movement in the USA. It 
tends to assume that it is better to be isolated and moral, in your own 
terms, than to work with others for a change, perhaps a very radical 
change, in the real world.

I do think Chomsky redeemed himself a year or two ago when he actually 
called on the USA to intervene somewhere - that was in East Timor. That 
gets more into the territory of what a massive global power, (Empire?) can 
and should do, somewhat to increase jjustice and peace in the world. That 
stand I saw as a materialist and realistic approach to morality.

People who know Chomsky far better than I, may be able to correct me. But 
despite the presumptuous of Andrew's challenge, I would like to see more 
open and explicit debate about what should be the main direction that the 
left should take.

My view is that it should make strenuous efforts to unite the peace 
tendencies with the anti-capitalist global tendencies that were fast 
developing before Tues 11th.

Chris Burford


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