The following was a response to the responses one of the Fisk articles 
circulated from a friend of my sister's. It should be of interest, even for 
those who want war.

>I have been meaning to answer for a while now, but haven't had a moment to
>do so.  Suraya Sadeed, born in Afghanistan and now an American citizen, and
>a humanitarian, wrote a similar (but even better) letter to Bush last
>Saturday. Judith, Marie, Marcia, do you still have this?  I have it in hard
>copy, but unfortunately I deleted the electronic copy. I am quite aware of
>the Taliban and what it has done. "Religious students", indeed! Following
>their own reading of the Koran - bs. Most of them can't read, and just go
>by what they are told. This means no rights for women - no jobs, no medical
>care, no education, can't leave the house.  No freedom of religion or
>speech for anyone (there is no tv in Afghanistan any longer).
> >When you think Taliban, think Nazis. When you think Bin Laden, think Hitler
>A little too simplistic. The Taliban are reprehensible, but I doubt they
>have the power to get rid of bin Laden, even if they wanted to.  We'll have
>to see, won't we?  He's got money; they don't. They depend on him. He's
>better armed than they are. Not that I have much sympathy for the Taliban,
>you understand, I just think it's even more complex than many people
>realize. On top of that there is the "outlaw appeal" of bin Laden. I saw a
>thing on one of the news mags a few nights ago - young, upper class
>Pakistani boys at an elite schoool - who couldn't wait to die for the
>cause. Yes, I think they have been indoctrinated, but they are also
>teenagers, with romantic views. It doesn't help.
>Btw, the Taliban took over in '96, not '97. And getting bin Laden won't
>solve everything. It's just a start. He's got bases and training camps and
>educated, sophisticated, well-trained lieutenants all over the world. These
>are not scruffy, nutso terrorists, but dedicated, well-educated fanatics.
>Unfortunately, I think we *must* retaliate - against the terrorists, and no
>one else.  Not against the poor Afghans, whom we can't bomb back into the
>Stone Age, because the Taliban has already put them there.  I would love to
>bring bin Laden to justice; that's my fantasy as well as Mr. Fisk's.  I am
>afriad, however, that it is probably just that: a fantasy.  If Mr. Fisk or
>anyone has a good idea how to get hold of bin Laden, I'm sure there are
>plenty of people with more power than I have who would love to hear it.
>In interviews, bin Laden has said that his goal is to kill as many
>Americans as possible and to destroy the US completely.  He began his
>planning for the Trade Towers attack over a year ago, when it looked as
>though the US would succeed in brokering a peace between the Israelis and
>the Palestinians.  This is not what bin Laden wants.  He wants us dead, and
>the US broken up at any cost.  He does not care, for example, that Muslims
>died in the embassy bombings in Africa, because their fate was "written" by
>Allah.  Kind of hard to negotiate with that sort of mind-set.
>I think we need some sort of Marshall Plan.  The West has a lot of enemies
>because of poverty. Some people have been encouraged to hate the West,
>especially America, by their own leaders, because it takes the heat off the
>leaders who don't want to or can't do anything about poverty, etc.
>Unfortunately, those leaders in those countries are now in a tough place.
>They know the terrorists will target them next (bin Laden has said so), and
>they want to cooperate with the US, but they know their own people will not
>want them to.
>I think we have to approach this problem from several sides. We have to
>encourage peace, give aid to countries that need it, try to get the
>terrorists (and only the terrorists), and defend ourselves, all at the same
>time.  We cannot bomb indiscriminately, or allow "collateral damage" (hate
>that phrase) among the innocent, or we become of the same character as our
>enemies.  Then we have lost.
>I wish it were possible for someone to check out everything George W. says
>*before* he says it.  When he called for a "crusade" against terrorism, do
>you suppose he disturbed moderate Islamic leaders much?


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