>CB: Do supply-siders express an aim to lessen recessions' unemployment
>etc by their tax cuts for capital, or do they say recession is a
>necessary, good thing ? 

Real supply-siders believe either 

(1) that unemployment is mostly voluntary and the 
unemployed should get off their asses and start a 
business or something instead of whining and looking 
for a hand-out;   or 

(2) that the unemployed are unemployed because 
well-meaning entreprenuers can't create jobs for 
them thanks to bureaucratic red-tape, high taxes that
punish success, and  government regulations that force
businessmen to pay workers more than they're worth.

or some combination of (1) and (2).  Remember that 
back in September, Dick Armey publicly opposed extending
unemployment and health benefits on the grounds that
such hand-outs were "not commensurate with 
the American spirit."



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