Developments in Afghanistan are a mystery. Most of the time we are
presented with the Chief Karzi the dandy. You would be forgiven for
thinking that he is the only Afghan show in town. The rest of the so
called government we hardly hear anything of. It as if Karzai is the
most powerful native figure in Afghanistan. We hear little or nothing
about these great victorious armies that crushed the Taliban. Genreal
Dostun has become virtually invisible.

We are not informed as to what is happening in the different parts of
Afghanistan -such as Herat. We are informed of the character of the
relations between the different armies and factions. We do not hear of
any funerals of those that were Taliban soldiers.

In short the bourgeois media is  highlighting its bankruptcy as a
provider of information. We just have not got a clue as to what is going
on in Afghanistan.  Pakistan is little better. We do not know what the
real response of the Pahstuns are to the new governmnent.

Karl Carlile (Communist Global Group)
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