[from ATTAC]

1- Porto Alegre Social Summit Sets Stage for Counteroffensive

By Walden Bello

Porto Alegre is not exactly a Third World city. Located in one of
Brazil's more prosperous states, Rio Grande do Sul, and populated
people mainly of European stock, this city of 1.2 million people is
First World when it comes to infrastructure and social services. In
fact, it ranks near the very top in terms of the country's "quality
life" index.


Yet Porto Alegre, site of the World Social Forum (WSF) last year
again this year, has become the byword for the spirit of the
burgeoning movement against corporate-driven globalization.
by the slogan "Another world is possible," some 70,000 people are
expected to flock to this coastal city from January 30 to February
This figure is nearly six times that for last year.

Fisherfolk from India, farmers from East Africa, trade unionists
Thailand, indigenous people from Central America will be among
making their way to Porto Alegre. But there will also be a sizable
contingent of people from the Northern countries. And the place
be graced by personalities who have come to exemplify the diversity
the movement against corporate-driven globalization-among others,
activist-thinker Noam Chomsky, Indian physicist-feminist Vandana
Shiva, Canadian people's advocate Maude Barlow, and Egyptian
intellectual Samir Amin.


The World Social Forum emerged as a counterpoint to the World
Forum, the annual gathering of the global corporate crowd in Davos,
Switzerland. Proposed by a coalition of Brazilian civil society
organizations and the Workers Party that controls both Porto Alegre
and the state of Rio Grande do Sul, the idea triggered strong
international support from organization such as the French monthly
Monde Diplomatique and Attac, an influential Europe-wide
supporting a tax on global financial transactions, and received
financial support from progressive donors like Novib, the
Organization for International Development Cooperation.

Driven by this energy, the first WSF was put together in a record
of eight months.

A televised trans-Atlantic debate between representatives of the
and some luminaries attending the WEF was billed by the Financial
Times as a collision between two planets, that of the global
and that of the vast marginalized masses. The most memorable moment
that confrontation came when Hebe de Bonafini, a representative of
Argentine human rights organization Madres de la Plaza de Mayo,
shouted at financier George Soros across the Atlantic divide: "Mr.
Soros, you are a hypocrite. How many children's deaths are you
responsible for."

Since its first meeting the stock of the WSF has risen while that
the WEF has fallen. Already put on the defensive as a gathering to
"discuss how to maintain hegemony over the rest of us," as one of
debaters on the WSF side put it, the WEF was asked by the Swiss
government to leave Davos on the grounds that it could no longer
guarantee the security of its corporate participants. Sealing off
Davos from demonstrators last year had already necessitated the
biggest Swiss security operation after World War II, and the
authorities anticipated a security and logistical nightmare in the
wake of the September 11 events.

As a result, the WEF is holding its sessions in New York this year,
but many observers say that Davos high up in the Swiss Alps was the
key attraction for corporate executives, and without this
the WEF is headed for oblivion.

The centerpiece of this year's gathering in Porto Alegre are 26
plenary sessions over four days structured around four theme: "the
production of wealth and social reproduction," "access to wealth
sustainable development," "civil society and the public arena," and
"political power and ethics in the new society." Around this core
unfold scores of seminars, a people's tribunal on debt sponsored by
Jubilee South, and about 5,000 workshops. Marches and
of workers and peasants are also expected, led by the Brazilian
organizations CUT (Central Union of Workers) and MST (the Movement
the Landless) that are among the key organizers of the WSF.


The anti-establishment forces gather in Porto Alegre after a
tumultuous year. Perhaps the apogee of the anti-globalization
came during Group of Eight Meeting in Genoa in the third week of
when some 300,000 people marched in the face of police tear-gas
attacks. Shortly after the Genoa clashes, in which one protester
killed by police, there was speculation in the world press that
gatherings in non-authoritarian countries might no longer be
in the future. And indeed, Canada's offer to hold the next G-8
in a resort high up in the Canadian Rockies in the province of
seemed to confirm the fact that the global elite was on the run
the democracy of the streets.

Then came September 11, which stopped a surging movement dead in
tracks. The next big confrontation between the establishment and
opponents was supposed to take place in late September in
DC, during the annual fall meetings of the World Bank and the
International Monetary Fund. Unnerved by the prospect of a week of
massive protest that was expected to draw some 50,000 people, the
Bretton Woods twins took advantage of the September 11 shock to
their meeting. Without a target and sensitive to the sea change in
national mood in the US, organizers cancelled the protest and held
march for peace instead.

The establishment followed up on the unexpected opportunity to
the crisis of legitimacy that had been wracking it prior to
11 by pressing the developing countries to approve a declaration
launching a limited set of trade negotiations during the Fourth
Ministerial of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in Doha, Qatar,
mid-November. Third World governments were told that unless they
agreed to talks leading to greater liberalization, they would have
take responsibility for worsening a global recession that had been
accelerated by the World Trade Center attack.

Taking no chances, the WTO secretariat and the Qatar monarchy had
worked to limit the number of legitimate NGO's attending the
to about sixty. This ensured that the massive demonstrations on the
street that characterized Seattle, which had served as a context
the famous developing country revolt at the Sheraton Convention
Center, were not present in Doha, and under these circumstances,
developing country opposition collapsed.


Had the WSF meeting been held in late November of December, the
of people coming would have been different. The Bush administration
would have been riding high after its devastating triumph in
Afghanistan. However, in the last few weeks, history, cunning as
usual, has dealt Washington two massive body blows: the Enron
and Argentina's economic collapse.

Enron has become the sordid symbol of the volatile mixture of
deregulation and corruption that drove the US' "New Economy" in the
1990's and helped lead it to what is possibly the worst global
recession since the 1930's.

Burdened with an unpayable $140 foreign debt, its industry in
and 2,000 of its citizens falling under the poverty line daily,
Argentina serves as a cautionary tale of the disaster that awaits
those countries that take seriously the neoliberal advice to
liberalize and globalize their economies.

As the WSF opens, these twin disasters have brought back with a
vengeance the crisis of legitimacy that the global elite and its
project of corporate-driven globalization were experiencing prior
September 11. Porto Alegre provides the perfect site and the
moment for the counter-offensive on the part of the movements that
believe that "another world is possible."

* Dr. Walden Bello is the executive director of the Bangkok-based
policy and advocacy institute Focus on the Global South and
of sociology and public administration at the University of the

Focus on the Global South (FOCUS)
Web Page http://www.focusweb.org

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