I agree that with the exception of a about a half dozen of
the more leftish Democrats like Lee, Waters and Kucinich, the
Democrats have been spineless. Today, walking to work I was comparing
in my head the response to Iran-Contra by congressional Democrats
or the battles over Contra Aid (see the Cynthia Arneson book
on this from Pantheon Books) to the PATRIOT Act and other repressive
sheeit. Should the below give one any hope? Or, just more pseudo-left
rhetoric to keep left-liberals from radicalizing influences and
keep them on the DFemocratic Party plantation? Interesting that
this was an ADA meeting too.
Michael Pugliese

>--- Original Message ---
>From: Carrol Cox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: 2/24/02 7:50:09 PM

>Michael Perelman wrote:
>> The coup in Venezuela should be easy, especially after all
the US
>> troops hit Colombia.  I cannot believe what a free ride the

>> spineless Dems. are giving W.
>They are not at all spineless, Michael. They are bravely sacrficing
>possible electoral advantage by supporting those interests which
>and Bush share.

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