Re the 2.7% average spending on education and childcare:

I wonder the extent to which this is due to the use of "household" spending 


Beaver and family: $50,000 spending and $10,000 in education and childcare 
spending = 20 spending on ed/childcare%.

70 year old person (a household): $20,000 spending and $0 in ed/child: 0%

25 year old single person: $20,000 spending and $0 in ed/child: 0%

Average of the three household averages: %20 + %0 + %0 = 6.7%.

But total spending of 3 households = $90,000 and total ed/child = $10,000 and 
so 11% of total consumer spending goes for ed/childcare while the "household 
average" is only 6.7%.

This might play a part in what seems to be a too low number.


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