I can't give you the contribution to wage income, but I can give 
some perspective on how important it was to overall income vis a 
vis Jugoslavia's overall external financial commitment.

Ratios of Worker Remittances to Interest Payments in Yugoslavia's 
Current Account

Year                    Ratio
1970                    4.0
1975                    4.8
1980                    1.4
1982                    0.7
1984                    0.8

(I haven't kept track of them since the mid-80s, but I believe they 

However, these remittances would not be included in the wage 
distribution.  Nor would the remittances of workers from Bosnia or 
Kosovo or Macedonia from Slovenia and Croatia to the southern 
republics.  These were probably equally or more significant and 
would lead to some narrowing of the (real) income differential within 
the country (i.e. between republics).


Date sent:              Tue, 16 Jul 2002 16:31:49 -0700
From:                   Michael Perelman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To:                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:                [PEN-L:28098] Re: Re: Re: Re: : Market Socialism
Send reply to:          [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> Paul, could you give us the flavor of the role of remittances in the wage
> structure of Yugoslavia?
> -- 
> Michael Perelman
> Economics Department
> California State University
> Chico, CA 95929
> Tel. 530-898-5321

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