Summit conclusions at a glance

Water and sanitation:

Governments agreed to halve the number of people
lacking clean drinking water and basic sanitation by 2015.

The deal was welcomed by development charities as
an important step towards preventing millions of
deaths from preventable diseases.

Around the world, about 1.1 billion people lack access
to adequate drinking water, according to the United Nations.
It is estimated that half the people in 25 countries in
sub-Saharan Africa will not have access to drinkable water
by 2025.

Bringing proper sanitation would significantly reduce
diseases such as cholera.


Governments agreed to take action to help the
poor gain access to affordable energy but
failed to agree on specific targets to boost the share
of global energy produced from renewable "green"
sources such as solar or wind power.

The European Union wanted targets but the United
States and some other oil-producing countries opposed them.

The summit's action plan calls on countries to
"substantially increase" the global share of
renewable energy.

Environmental groups accused the EU of
capitulating to American demands. A spokesman
for Greenpeace said the agreement was "worse than
we could have imagined".

The summit also saw wrangling over the
meaning of the term "renewable", with some
countries arguing that nuclear power and lucrative
hydro-electric schemes should be included under this

Several smaller proposals on energy were agreed:

- Promotion of energy-efficient technologies

- Removal of lead from petrol

- Reduction in the practice of flaring and venting of
   gas during crude oil production

- Improving the competitiveness of clean energy
   sources by creating a level playing field in the market.

Global warming:

The Kyoto treaty on global warming got a new lease of
life at the summit when Russia announced that it would
ratify the treaty.

Russia's backing means that enough big producers of
greenhouse gases have signed up to bring the treaty into effect.

The treaty received a massive blow when the US said it would
not ratify it.

Natural resources and biodiversity:

Governments agreed to cut significantly by 2010 the
rate at which rare animals and plants are becoming extinct.

The plan does not set specific targets and the
wording does not inhibit countries from pursuing
development projects.

The Worldwide Fund for Nature said the plan "will
not provide significant movement forwards... in
some cases it actually constitutes a step backwards".


Negotiators ironed out a row over the wording of a
key paragraph which gave precedence to the World
Trade Organisation (WTO) over environmental regulations.

The text was revised to say that nations will "continue
to enhance the mutual supportiveness of trade,
environment and development," omitting a clause
which added "while ensuring WTO consistency".

It also states the willingness of rich countries to reach
an agreement by 1 January 2005 within the WTO for
"substantial improvements in market access" for food
exports from developing countries.

Human rights and governance:

The summit plan emphasises the need to fight
corruption and promote democracy and the rule of
law. But it does not make aid conditional on good governance.


The plan recognises that access to healthcare should
be consistent with basic human rights and "cultural and
religious values" - a point that had been hotly debated.

The wording was aimed at fighting practices such as
female circumcision or genital mutilation, which takes
place largely in African countries.

Activists said the US, the Vatican and some developing
countries had tried to oppose it - if enforced, it would
allow women to opt for abortions in countries where
they are outlawed.

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