Title: Re: [PEN-L:31223] mucking

Oh my how you fellows amuse me (and gals, but to tell you the truth the fellows are the ones making a fuss).  Let me tell you.  I couldn't get off of the list when I tried, and you all are such a hoot I now eagerly await my next chunk of email.  I personally am glad we don't all agree, how boring such a discussion would be.  Don't be angry with each other, just think about how much more maddening the list would be if we had to deal with a segment of hand wringing liberals.  And as for you, Doug and Jim, you mucking farxists, you have no idea how your considered analysis of current events keeps me sane.  I am not connected to a university at the moment and though I have projects and political friends, I have precious few intellectuals to exchange ideas with.  You all take each other for granted because you are university folks, but outside of the context in which your collaborate or come into conflict with your colleagues how many of you would be as sharp as you are?

Your discussions are valuable to moving forward with a plan for rebuilding hope of humanity.  In my opinion this is mucking profound.  I don't read all of the emails and I did not read the one referred to here, but it sounds to me like water off a duck's back.  

Lisa S.       

on 10/10/2002 8:14 PM, Devine, James at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I don't remember who sent the e-mail message, but it stuck in my head. Someone made an off-hand remark about two pen-l participants (Doug and myself, seemingly) who mucked up the list or some such.

I know that Doug had a fit of anger, but I did no such thing. I'd like to know how I mucked things up. (or was the reference to some other pair of participants?)

Is it because I disagreed with the would-be consensus that US government unemployment statistics are either nothing but propaganda or as meaningless as the Enron balance sheet?

If so, that means that I mucked things up simply because I disagreed with the popular view on pen-l. If so, that's sad. When the left starts embracing an orthodoxy in this way, it's simply encouraging its further shrinkage.


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