This is so utterly disgusting I can barely type. All I can think of is how
sad Einstein was that the world leaders used his science to build nuclear
bombs, about how these bombs  have made the annihilation of life on this
planet not only a possibility but, at the rate these crazies are going-Bush,
Saddam, Bin Laden et al- at best an eventuality. And then there are the
thousands of reactors scattered around the world which we have no way of
neutralizing, no way of safely disposing of their radioactive poisons. What
an abyss they have created in the name of scientific progress.  What a fool
this Dr. Watson is to think that he can make guesses about human behavior
based solely on genetic information, as if the historical moment you are
born into and your personal situation mean nothing, as if the behavior of
every human being is decided in a vacuum.  And he says that governments will
regulate genetic engineering? As if power subscribes to an ethic and is not
already self validating, as if contractual regulations will be or ever have
been a barrier to supplying the demands of the wealthy. Of course genetic
engineering will widen the gap between the haves and the have nots. And
imagine how screwed the world would have been if the Bush family could have
paid Dr. Watson to bring little George's IQ into the double digits. He would
have had not only Hitler's propensity for world domination but also his
charisma and the ability to cogently rationalize his ugly and truly barbaric
foreign policy.  That's what the world needs, Dr. Watson, smarter, prettier
despots who tirelessly make the world a safer place for the oiligarchy. Oh
yeah, and the world also needs more giggling, obedient, large chested

Ok.  Rant finished.  It's Sunday.  No more Pen-l for me today.

Lisa S.     

on 10/27/2002 6:36 AM, Hari Kumar at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Dr. Watson stressed his vision is not a bleak one. He too was haunted=20
> by the world portrayed in the 1997 film Gattaca, where genetically=20
> perfect members of an elite, conceived in labs, reign over the=20
> genetically "invalid," created naturally and condemned to society's=20
> lowest jobs.
> The movie theme echoes concern that genetic enhancements will be=20
> available only to the wealthy, widening the gap between haves and=20
> have-nots. But Dr. Watson has more faith in the species: "Most humans=20
> are programmed by their genes to have compassion for their fellow=20
> man."

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