NY Times, Dec. 3, 2002
Can Global Warming Be Studied Too Much?

WASHINGTON, Dec. 2 — On Tuesday, the Bush administration convenes a three-day meeting here to set its new agenda for research on climate change. But many climate experts who will attend say talking about more research will simply delay decisions that need to be made now to avert serious harm from global warming.

President Bush has called for a decade of research before anything beyond voluntary measures is used to stem tailpipe and smokestack emissions of heat-trapping gases that scientists say are contributing to global warming.

"When you're speeding down the road in your car, if you've got to turn around and go the other direction, the first thing is to slow down, then stop, then turn," said David K. Garman, the assistant secretary of energy for energy efficiency and renewable energy.

But many climate experts say the perennial need for more study can no longer justify further delays in emission cuts.

"Waiting 10 years to decide is itself a decision which may remove from the table certain options for stabilizing concentrations later," said Dr. Michael Oppenheimer, a professor of geosciences at Princeton.

For example, under today's rate of emissions growth, he and other experts say that certain losses are already probable, including dwindling of snow-dependent water supplies and global die-offs of vulnerable ecosystems like coral reefs, alpine meadows and certain coastal marshes.

Nevertheless, administration officials say further research is still necessary because scientists cannot say exactly what effects human activity will have on global climate and how dangerous they will be. It is worth taking the time to conduct more analysis at least to clarify the balance of environmental and economic risks, they say.

"Science rarely gives enough information to narrow policy choices to a single option, but it can clear away some of the underbrush," said Dr. John H. Marburger III, assistant to the president for science and technology.

full: http://www.nytimes.com/2002/12/03/science/earth/03CLIM.html


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