[New York Times]
December 4, 2002
Turkey Saying No to Accepting G.I.'s in Large Numbers

ANKARA, Turkey, Dec. 3 - Turkey today said that it would not allow the
United States to deploy substantial numbers of ground troops on its
territory in the event of a war with Iraq.

The new Turkish government, dominated by a party with Islamist roots, did
say that the United States could station warplanes and use Turkish air
space to carry out strikes - but only if the United Nations Security
Council adopted a new resolution authorizing the use of force against

Turkey's stance was outlined tonight by Foreign Minister Yasar Yakis after
meetings between government leaders and Paul D. Wolfowitz, the United
States deputy defense secretary.

"If we are talking about the extensive presence of American forces in
Turkey, we have difficulty in explaining this to Turkish public opinion,"
Mr. Yakis said. "It may be difficult to see thousands of American forces
being transported through the Turkish territory into Iraq or being
stationed or deployed somewhere in Turkey and then carrying out strikes in

While the two sides sought to emphasize areas of agreement, the Turkish
position could complicate the Bush administration's planning for a
possible war with Iraq.

Turkey, a NATO member and Iraq's northern neighbor, views the United
States as a key ally and wants to cooperate with Washington, but officials
in the new government pointed to their need to deal with public sentiment,
which is skeptical about a military campaign.

Mr. Wolfowitz said tonight that he was satisfied with his consultations
with the Turks but declined to provide details about what cooperation
Washington had requested, and the Turkish response.

One senior Turkish official, who asked not to be identified, said that the
United States Embassy in Ankara had recently forwarded a paper that
outlined several areas of possible cooperation. The United States, the
Turkish official said, wants access to Turkish air space for combat and
support aircraft, and access to about 10 Turkish air bases and ports.

The United States, the Turkish official added, also explored the
possibility of stationing ground troops on Turkish territory. The official
said that the Pentagon wanted to have the option to deploy "tens of
thousands of American troops."

American officials have declined to discuss options for deploying troops
in Turkey. There has been speculation, however, that the American ground
forces, possibly the elite 101st Airborne Division, might use Turkish
bases as a staging area into northern Iraq, where helicopter-borne
infantry would help secure important oil fields in the Kurdish region and
prevent Kurds from attempting to seize territory of their own. This would
add to the pressure on the Iraqi military in the north while the main
invasion came from Kuwait in the south.

The request from the embassy also sought the use of Turkish troops to deal
with Iraqi refugees and maintain order near the Turkish-Iraqi frontier,
Turkish officials said.

While ruling out a large deployment of ground troops, Turkish officials
today did not preclude the stationing of Special Operations forces and
small ground units.

The Turkish insistence on the need to return to the Security Council
before the American military can make any use of bases or air space in any
war on Iraq is at odds with the Bush administration's position.

Asked about Turkey's stance, a senior American official said that
Washington hoped the Turks would change their minds. One option might be
to return to the Security Council for discussion, but not a vote on a new
resolution, if Iraq did not comply with the United Nations on disarmament.

"We're not convinced that this represents their final position," said one
senior American military official.

Washington has insisted that the resolution passed unanimously last
month - and past Iraqi breaches of United Nations resolutions - confer all
the legal authority needed to carry out an attack if Iraq fails to
cooperate with United Nations inspectors and take steps to dismantle
programs suspected of producing weapons of mass destruction. Obtaining a
second resolution from the 15-member Security Council could substantially
delay a military operation and would by no means be assured.

On the military front, the Pentagon has sought to assemble a potent air
and ground combat force in Turkey. Only the deployment of a powerful
force, American officials assert, will induce President Saddam Hussein to
comply with United Nations demands. If war cannot be avoided, such a force
would require Iraq to fight on multiple fronts, they note, and help bring
the war to a speedy conclusion.

"It's important that he see that he's surrounded by the international
community, not only in the political sense, but in a real practical
military sense," Mr. Wolfowitz said.

During the 1991 Persian Gulf war, Turkey allowed the United States to
launch air strikes against targets in Iraq and mount search and rescue
operations. Turkey's decision to allow the Americans to use their bases
was made at the last moment.

American and British warplanes currently monitor the no-flight zone in
northern Iraq from bases in Turkey and carry out limited bombing raids
against air defense sites that target allied planes.

In a war, Turkish bases could be used to mount punishing air raids against
Mr. Hussein's government and the security forces that keep him in power.
Without Turkish bases, coalition fighter-bombers flying from European or
Persian Gulf states would require extensive aerial refueling to reach
northern Iraq.

To encourage Turkish cooperation in any attack on Iraq, Washington has
been pressing the European nations to facilitate Turkey's entry into the
European Union. The Americans have also been promising increased support
through the International Monetary Fund and direct American aid, while
assuring Ankara that the Bush administration does not support
establishment of an independent Kurdish state.

Mr. Yakis outlined what Turkey would do if Mr. Hussein failed to cooperate
with the United Nations.

"If it comes to that, then of course, we will cooperate with the United
States because it's a big ally and we have excellent relations with the
United States," Mr. Yakis said. He said the cooperation would include "the
opening of air space, first of all, and the utilization of facilities in

Asked if Turkey thought a second United Nations resolution was necessary
before military action was taken, Mr. Yakis said it was. The Turkish
understanding, he said, is that Resolution 1441, passed last month, "does
not allow the automatic resorting to armed intervention."

That position was endorsed by Omer Celik, a senior political adviser to
the new dominant Justice and Democracy Party and a member of Parliament.
"We believe if the inspections are prevented by any means, we have to go
back to the United Nations to get another decision to launch an attack,"
he told a group of American reporters today. "We find the United States'
struggle against terrorism to be a just struggle," Mr. Celik said.
"However, we believe that if the United States acts alone this can create
problems in the world."

Turkish officials suggested that they were likely to be more patient than
Washington about the United Nations inspection process to ensure that war
is truly a last resort.

The Americans, Mr. Yakis said, "may believe that all stones are turned and
we may find out that there is one stone left that has not been turned."

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