About 3,000 die of heat-related causes in France

Associated Press
August 14 2003

About 3,000 people have died in France of heat-related causes since
abnormally high temperatures swept across the country about two weeks
ago, the health ministry said Thursday.

"The number of deaths linked directly or indirectly to the heat ... can
be estimated at around 3,000 for the whole of France," the ministry said
in a statement.

Earlier Thursday, Health Minister Jean-Francois Mattei acknowledged the
blistering heat wave has caused a "veritable epidemic" of death in
France, but he did not give figures.

Morgues and funeral directors have reported skyrocketing demand for
their services since the heat wave took hold.

General Funeral Services, France's largest undertaker, said it handled
some 3,230 deaths from Aug. 4-10, compared to 2,300 on an average week
in the year — a 37 per cent jump.

Many people died while locked inside apartments, raising concerns about
hygiene and odour.

One police officers union in Paris called on the government to deploy
the army to help retrieve bodies.

The ministry said its estimate was partly drawn from studying deaths in
23 Paris region hospitals from July 25-Aug. 12 and from information
provided by General Funeral Services.

Mr. Mattei, in an interview with France-Inter radio earlier Thursday,
said: "We can now state what's happening to us is a veritable epidemic."

Mr. Mattei explained the high rate of death was a result of an
"exceptional" heat wave combined with longer life expectancy.

He said older people were at higher risk of dying from heat-related

On Wednesday, days after the first complaints accusing the government of
a slow response to heat-related deaths, Prime Minister Jean-Pierre
Raffarin asked the Paris region to launch an emergency hospital plan to
provide for a massive influx of patients.

Mr. Mattei also acknowledged "difficulties" for the government in
managing the surge in temperatures, but said that hospital staffers were
performing in an "exemplary" manner in response.

The government "carried out the responses that were needed" as soon as
the first cases of heat-related death appeared about a week ago, Mr.
Mattei said.

"We didn't just remain inactive," he said.

Paris City Hall said Wednesday it had taken extra measures to ensure
that city-run funeral homes would remain open to bury bodies on Friday,
a holiday in France, and recall more than 30 municipal workers from

To protect the elderly, the city's 13 retirement homes bought extra fans
and atomizers to keep their residents cool in a country where air
conditioning is not widespread.

Record-high temperatures have been set in numerous cities across France,
and the capital has baked under heat at or exceeding 37 C.

The average August temperature in Paris, which has warm but not torrid
summers, is 24 C.

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