Mike wrote:

>The State is the governmental expression of class

Fair enough. I've heard many descriptions of what the state is. That's a
workable one.

>I've never met anyone--anarchists included--who argued
>that that State could be abolished by decree.

I agree with that. (In terms of rational anarchists.)

>All socialists worth their salt (and most anarchists worth
>their salt are socialists e.g. Chomsky) realize that
>the State cannot be replaced with self-government
>until classes have ceased to exist.

I agree with that.

>Classes cannot die out until the social revolution is
>made and that can't be done without its being an act
>of the class workers themselves.

That is a real long range project. I think where the shadow falls
between "anarchists" and "socialists" has been the length of time in
making that happen. And how.

Anarchists are usually too quick on the draw. Socialists are usually too
slow. As long as they play nice and have nap time all will be well.


P.S. Mike B) is about as cheerful a proponent of his position as I have
ever met. (His future is so bright he has to wear B) shades.) Cheerful
counts, too. Just like hope counts. You have to sell it. If you can't
sell it... well... languish in the warehouse with Lou's crew.

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