Michael writes:

>guarantee -- we will hear that it was the environmentalists fault.
>We need more nukes, more coal ....  Pass the damn energy bill.


We're taking bets, here.

Michael says it will be the enviros who take the rap -- probably via
communications work by the White House (Bush has already said the power
grid needs complete overhaul, which can only mean one thing with him).
Ian is betting on Canada taking the blame -- as is CNN, you can't go
wrong blaming Canada, that socialist bastion of Swedish-like bastards
that it is. In Ontario, looks like Premier Ernie Eves is a good bet,
according to pundits. (Myself, I think I caused it by sending too many
emails to PEN-L the last 48 hours.)

Any other bets?


We cannot speak without incurring some risk, at least in
theory; the only way of being absolutely safe is to say
          -- Isaiah Berlin

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