
The Social Security CrisisâSolved!

A Democratic economist's miraculous plan.

By Daniel Gross

Posted Tuesday, March 9, 2004, at 2:24 PM PT


This is the fantasy of every Washington politician: You wake up one morning, and the 
Social Security crisis has vanished. Who knows where it went? Maybe a kind old wizard 
made it disappear. Who cares? It's gone! The magic solutionâa Social Security fix 
with no tax increases and no benefit cutsâis the dream that will not die. 

Last year, it was the Republicans who thought they had made the dream come true. In 
early 2003, Michael Boskin, head of the Council of Economic Advisers under President 
Bush the Elder, released a paper <>  that hit upon a 
potential solution. Once the baby boomers start withdrawing funds from IRAs and 
401(k)s and pay tax on that income, he suggested, it would send a $12 trillion gusher 
into federal coffers. And that would help cover any short-term shortfalls in 
entitlement programs. The tentative conclusion seemed too good to be true. In 
relatively short order, the Boskin thesis was debunked and withdrawn. 

Now a moderate economist in the Democratic camp may have forged the magic bullet. 
Northwestern University economist Robert J. Gordon <> , 
in this paper <>  issued under the auspices of the 
Brookings Institution, says the trustees of Social Security, whose most recent report 
can be seen here <> , are low-balling the economy's 
capacity for productivity and population growth over the next several decades. Tweak 
the numbers a little bit, Gordon suggests, and the Social Security picture doesn't 
look bleak. [Sound familiar, Doug?]

Gordon's theory rests on two pillarsâproductivity and immigration. Economists are 
busy debating whether the higher productivity growth the economy enjoyed in the 1990s 
represented a temporary blip or a longer-lasting trend. Peering a few decades ahead, 
Gordon forecasts that productivity, instead of dropping to the historical post-World 
War II mean of about 1.8 percent, will settle down to a long-term rate of about 2.5 
percent. The Social Security trustees, by contrast, see productivity falling 
<>  to a long-term rate of about 1.6 percent. Higher 
productivity means higher economic growth and hence more revenues to fund retirement 

Gordon projectsâas do the Social Security trusteesâthat Americans will continue to 
procreate at a higher rate than Europeans and Japanese. Flexible labor markets mean 
"women in the United States are better able to combine work and childbearing." And 
thanks to immigration, the U.S. population is continually fortified by immigrants with 
higher birth rates. That's also good news, as it means a constant supply of younger 
Americans who will be working when "Moneybox" and his 30-something cohort are playing 
shuffleboard in Boca Raton.

Indeed, Gordon believes immigrantsâwho tend to be young workers, tend to start 
paying into Social Security right away, and often return to their homelands before 
receiving benefitsâwill likely prove the saving grace of the Social Security system. 
The Social Security trustees forecast <>  that annual 
immigration will level off at about 900,000 in about 20 years and remain at that 
levelâeven as the overall U.S. population continues to grow. Gordon finds that 
"ludicrously low." The projections "assume not just zero growth in the future, but an 
absolute decline from 1.4 million total immigrants in 2002." While the recent pace is 
unsustainableâimmigration has been rising at a 3.75-percent clipâ"to project 
negative growth implies a discontinuity that is without any basis." By assuming that 
both the supply of potential immigrants will continue to rise (as the global 
population rises) and that the demand for potential immigrants will continue to rise 
(as Americans grow wealthier and consume more services), Gordon foresees the addition 
of tens of millions more workers than the government does.

Add it all up, and Gordon believes the economy can grow at a 3.28-percent rate for the 
next two decades. That may sound high, but it's hardly out of bounds. (James K. 
Glassman, the smart J.P. Morgan economistâwho is not to be confused with James 
Glassman, the credulous stock-picker cum New Economy lobbyistâbelieves the economy 
can grow at 4 percent over the long term.) Gordon's 3.28 percent is enough to make 
Social Security shortfalls shrink in significance.

One can understand why the Social Security Administration might be somewhat timid in 
its predictions. As a profession, actuaries aren't exactly known for going out on a 
limb. For the millions of Americans who will rely on Social Security for a minimum 
income in the future, the price of being overly optimistic could be devastating. 
What's more, when dealing with very large numbers over very long time periods, 
tweaking a number here and there leads to large swings. Ratcheting down productivity 
and immigration projections would make the problem seem far worse. 

But today, the balance of risks seems to favor higher productivity growth rather than 
lower productivity growth and more immigration rather than less. Far more likely to 
throw these projections off kilter is one factor the data ignores: politics. There's a 
growing backlash against the two most significant factors that feed Gordon's 
projections. Productivity and the trends that fuel itâoutsourcing and 
off-shoringâhave become dirty words in Washington. Immigration isn't too popular 
either. Samuel Huntington argues in the current Foreign Policy 
<>  that more Hispanic immigration would undermine the 
social and economic factors that have set America apart from its slower-growing 
European rivals. 

Gordon's paper has not yet received the once-over that Boskin's did. When it does, his 
optimistic conclusion may not seem so solid. But for the moment, what a pleasant dream 
it is for Washington!

Daniel Gross ( <> ) writes Slate's 
"Moneybox" column. You can e-mail him at [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> .


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