Glad to see you remain the same alienating asshole as ever, Lou.

Mr Doss has done nothing but offer his own opinion and plenty of
interesting material. I see no problem or a need to "cut him down." (All
your hackneyed adjectives about his posts are a reminder why you don't
have a book contract.)

Your level of immature debate remains these kind of catty remarks which
divide more than unite.

Splitting hairs about leftist faith is for the monks of victory. Our job
is to unite.


>> Actually, Gorbachev says the same thing. So does 90% of the
>> Gorby adores Putin.
>90 percent? That cinches it. I will now have to defer to what they
>think, just as I defer customarily to what the 90th percentile of the
>American population thinks about undocumented workers, gay
>marriage, the
>Cuban revolution, etc.
>The Marxism list:

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