Michael Perelman wrote:
> I have to disagree.  Such knowledge is not sufficient.  It may not be necessary, but
> understanding how material conditions evolve will certainly give activists a valuable
> edge.
It already has given activists an edge -- my point was that nothing
could be added to that edge.

It is fairly self-evident that capitalist progress is destroying the
human species. That needs to be incorporated into all left programs and
struggles. But the amount of time, energy, and space being devoted to
specific aspects of it (like the coming oil crisis) is out of all
proportion to any further gain that can be made. Everyone who can be
influenced by the news has already been influenced. And the sad fact is
that _most_ of those so influenced have _not_ moved on to
anti-capitalist struggle.

In other words, our time and energy needs to be spent in turning greens
red, not in the hopeless task of bringing more people into the general
movement through green agitation. The knowledge we had by 1980 of the
ongoing damage to our living space by capitalist progress was sufficient
to produce a sizeable green movement, and the added knowledge of the
last 25 years has been of no added political impact. Or perhaps it even
has had a negative impact, by adding weight to the lesser evil
strategies that keep so many leftists tied to the tail of the DP.


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