Louis wrote:

>You may be a great economist, but sometimes you suck
>as a moderator.

Respectfully, I have to disagree. Michael is an excellent moderator.
Michael does something akin to actual life: keep differing ideas in
contact, because there is something that comes out of it that's better
than the sectarianism Jim mentioned in a separate thread.

I am sure you put me in the same sniper category as Doug. I have
accepted that horrible fate. But those two chaps are both better
moderators than you. (That is just my opinion, since you have opened up
that line of comment.)

>This is an utter disgrace that so few people
>on pen-l would take a stand against this.

"Utter"... these are the kinds of purple prose flourishes that I have
privately noted to you that you should lose...


All politeness is owing to Liberty. We polish one another,
and rub off our Corners and rough Sides by a sort of
amicable Collision. To restrain this, is inevitably to
bring a Rust upon Men's Understanding.
          -- Anthony Ashley Cooper
             Third Earl of Shaftesbury

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