--- Diane Monaco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I read a little while ago that the Russian federal
budget “surplus” was $8.4 billion during this first
half of 2004 high growth period.   Budget surpluses
and high growth do often go hand-in-hand.   Is there
the feeling in Russia that the federal tax system does
weigh heavily on business?

Also, are military equipment exports fueling some of
this growth?  (See article below)


Even though Russia has the lowest income tax on
business in Europe (13% flat tax), the "liberals"
_still_ keep complaining that it's excessive. But the
real federal weight on business comes from corruption
(bribe money).

Arms exports are definitely part of it, but mostly
it's exports of natural resources, plus the revived
internal market for domestic production made possible
by the 1998 devaluation of the ruble.

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