-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Naiman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Jul 27, 2004 10:18 AM
Subject: Re: [PEN-L] An emerging labor-led left in the DP?

"if a Kerry administration is forced to preside over deep cuts
to Social Security and other social programs"


nothing will "force" a Kerry Administration to cut Social Security. There
is nothing wrong with Social Security.

Just because Social Security is financially sound does not mean it won't be cut, and 
cut by a Dem or a Rep.  The force, and force there will be, comes from Wall Street 
because Wall Street wants the business.

Will the "words" of disaffection from the SEIU leaders are "remarkable," the 
remarkable  resides in the growing restlessness of the rank and file.   That rank and 
file can and will suppport a labor party if such a party is
aggressive in articulating working class interests as interests of all, including 
those workers outside the US.

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