First, the character in "Wait Until Dark" was anything but pitiful: the story was 
about how she gains self-confidence by defending herself against a murderer. Second, 
"Kung Fu" had a blind character who was one of the masters. When a Western man says, 
"I may have trouble on the road. I am sixty-one," the chief of the temple replies, 
"then take master so-and-so [the blind master]. He is eighty-three." They obviously 
had different ideas about age.

>>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/28/04 11:42 AM >>>
>In Hollywood, the blind are represented in film either as pitiful
>victims, such as in "Wait Until Dark," or as comic figures like Mr.
>Muckle, who tears apart W. C. Fields's shop in "It's a Gift." Leave it
>to the Japanese to come up with somebody like Zatoichi, the blind master
>swordsman who was played by the beloved Shintaro Katsu in 26 films
>between 1962 and 1989, as well as 100 television episodes based on the
>check out 'zatoichi meets the one armed swordsman' (71 or 72) directed
>by kimiyoshi yasuda who directed several zatoichi films...
>the one armed swordsman of film is jimmy wang yu from chang cheh's 67
>film of same name, here's what lisa odham stokes and i write about
>chang's film in _city on fire_:
>Chang Cheh's One Armed Swordsman (1967) is generally acknowledged as the
>that launched the 1970s' martial arts phenomenon [in hong kong].  While
>the film's title announces that this is a swordplay movie - nothing new
>in itself - the hero's disability (his sifu's jealous daughter has
>chopped off his right arm) produces a different type of character.
>Forced to undergo a strict and tough rehabilitative training program,
>the protagonist (Jimmy Wang Yu) becomes a 'lean mean fighting machine'
>with a blade.  Notably brutal for its time, Chang's picture ushered in
>an era of the self-reliant individualist that according to [noted hk
>film critic] Sek Kei, simultaneously destroyed the image of the weak
>Chinese male by featuring 'beefcake heroes in adventure and violence.'
>(p. 91)
>in 'zatoichi meets the one armed swordsman, wang yu's character travels
>to japan where he intervenes to prevent a young boy's execution and has
>a bounty placed upoin him, meanwhile, the young boy's dying father's
>last wish is for shintaro katsu's blind swordsman to care for his son,
>communication difficulties between the two swordsmen lead to them
>fighting one another...
>trivia: tsui hark's 'the blade (95) is a remake of chang's 'one armed
>swordsman' by way of a detour through wong kar-wai's 'ashes of time (94)
>in which tony leung ka-fai plays a blind swordsman...
>finally: blind swordsman films inspired 71 entitled 'deaf mute heroine'
>directed by wu ma, one of number of hk martial arts films featuring
>women...   michael hoover
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