Socialist Review, February 2002
Kashmir: The Valley of Sorrow
by Sam Ashman

A potential nuclear conflict between India and Pakistan looms over the
subcontinent. The flashpoint is the state of Kashmir.

The British ruling class quit India in 1947. But as it did so, it
divided the subcontinent between two independent states, India
(supposedly secular) and Pakistan (a homeland for Muslims). Pakistan was
a bizarre entity which had 1,000 miles of India separating its western
and its eastern wings--a state of affairs that would last until 1971
when, amidst tumult and war, the east broke away and became the state of

The partition of the subcontinent was utterly avoidable, and based on
the acceptance of the so called 'two nation' theory of Jinnah's Muslim
League which claimed, only from 1940 onwards, that Muslims and Hindus
were separate nations. The subcontinent was divided amidst terror. One
million died in the communal killings that accompanied partition, and
millions more were forced to transfer to one side of the new borders or

But what was to become of Kashmir? This beautiful valley dotted with
lakes right in the far north borders Pakistan, Afghanistan and China,
with the former USSR a stone's throw away. It has historically been a
bulwark for whoever has controlled it. The majority of the population
were Muslim peasants who suffered at the hands of the Hindu Dogra kings.
But they were Muslims who, generally speaking, did not want to join
Pakistan. The leader of the independence forces in Kashmir was Sheikh
Abdullah, a secular socialist with a vision of land reform to improve
the living conditions of the majority of Kashmiris. This hugely popular
figure rejected Jinnah's Pakistan, rightly fearing that a Pakistan
dominated by landlords and the military would stand in the way of land
reform, and indeed other social and political reforms. Whilst Hindus,
Muslims and Sikhs slaughtered each other in the Punjab during partition,
the League did not gain a foothold in Kashmir. How was the question to
be resolved?

Kashmir presented an ideological problem for both states created by
partition. If the Muslims of Kashmir did not want to be part of
Pakistan, there was little left of Jinnah's two nation theory. And if a
Muslim majority state could not survive in India, there was little left
of Indian National Congress leader Nehru's vision of a secular
independent India.

But it was not just a question of ideology. Also at stake was the
securing of the strategic boundaries of the new states and controlling
the important mountain passes which run to Kashmir. To this day China
controls a mountainous eastern zone of Kashmir, taken after a short war
with India in 1962. The ruler of Kashmir had the power to decide which
way the state would go. He avoided making such a decision for two months
after independence until tribesmen invaded northern Kashmir at the
behest of the Pakistani army. So the king hastily gave his consent to
join India so that Indian troops could 'legally' enter Kashmiri
territory to rebuff Pakistan's forces.

Nehru promised that the decision to join India, made by an undemocratic
Hindu king, would be put to the people at a later date, but that 'later
date' has always been denied. Kashmir was granted a concession, however.
Provision 370 of the Indian constitution, giving 'special status' to
Kashmir, dates from this time and is much loathed by the Hindu
chauvinist BJP today.

Pakistani forces were forced back by Indian troops and a ceasefire was
brokered by the United Nations in 1949. The 'line of control' which
today divides Indian-occupied Kashmir from Pakistani-occupied Kashmir is
the ceasefire line that was drawn at the end of this, the first of three
wars India and Pakistan have fought over the control of Kashmir. For the
first 40 years after partition there was little support for joining
Pakistan. Shaikh Abdullah's National Conference swept the board in
elections in 1951, winning everything--pro-Pakistan candidates were
wiped out. But it soon became clear that the Indian state was not going
to withdraw its troops, and nor was it going to allow the population of
Kashmir to have any say over its future.

Troops fire on demonstrators

The Indian central government engineered the ousting and imprisonment of
Sheikh Abdullah in 1953--but not before he enacted widespread land
reform which broke the power of the Kashmiri landlords and allowed land
in the state to be owned only by Kashmiris, something else much resented
by the BJP today.

Abdullah's imprisonment was met with a 20 day general strike, during
which Indian troops repeatedly fired on demonstrators, killing as many
as 1,000. When he was released six years later, one million people lined
the streets to welcome his return. Abdullah was imprisoned again, after
visiting China, and again there were strikes, demonstrations, arrests,
repression--and growing bitterness against India. Pakistan launched a
second war in 1965, thinking it could exploit this situation and spark
off an uprising. But it was wrong about the mood in Kashmir--the
movement was not expressing a desire to be part of the thoroughly
undemocratic state of Pakistan.

The 1972 Simla agreement between India and Pakistan renamed the
ceasefire line as the line of control and both sides agreed to respect
it, cementing further the division of Kashmir. Sheikh Abdullah was
released from prison and, in 1977, was re-elected with a huge majority.
But he was, by then, prepared to make his peace with India. His regime
was increasingly corrupt, and when he died in 1982 his son Farooq simply
took over. Growing numbers of Kashmiris were frustrated by the
corruption, which was compounded by the lack of jobs--especially for
educated Kashmiris--and growing authoritarianism of the state
government. At the same time Kashmir's 'special status' had been
systematically eroded.

During the 1980s the Indian government increasingly intervened in the
state, dismissing elected governments, imposing states of emergency, and
installing hardline anti-Muslim governors. The fiddling of the 1987
election created deep bitterness, but it was really in 1989 that a huge
insurgency began against India. 'We felt that if the Berlin Wall could
be dismantled, so too could the line of control,' said one participant.
But India and Pakistan certainly did not want the reunification of
Kashmir, and Russia and China feared the effect a successful movement in
Kashmir would have on minorities within their borders.

When the Indian army massacred 100 demonstrators in Srinagar in 1990,
rebellion seized the whole population of the valley. Some 400,000
marched, then a million, of whom 40 were shot dead. A younger generation
of Kashmiris decided to fight, and began a guerrilla army campaign. This
partly reflected their frustration, and partly the impact of the end of
the war in Afghanistan against Russia which meant a ready supply of arms
and volunteers. So alongside guerrillas who were fighting for an
independent Kashmir and were inspired by Che Guevara, were groups of
Islamist guerrillas fighting to join Pakistan. The Pakistani state, via
the ISI intelligence service, armed and sponsored a number of the
groups, particularly Lashkar-i-Tayyaba and Harkatul Mujahadeen. But it
was Indian army repression which drove the young Kashmiris into the arms
of Pakistan and the jihadis.

The fight for independence

The Indian army used classic counterinsurgency tactics, taught to them
by the British. One explicitly anti-Muslim governor imposed by the
central Indian government declared: 'Every Muslim in Kashmir is a
militant today... The bullet is the only solution for Kashmir. Unless
the militants are fully wiped out, normality can't return to the
valley.' Some 600,000 troops were stationed in the area in the 1990s.
During this period it had the highest ratio of troops to population
anywhere in the world, and 70,000 Kashmiris were killed. There were mass
arrests, disappearances, widespread torture and rape. A 1995 poll in the
Economist assessed that 75 percent of the population of the valley
supported the fight for independence. But the insurgency was
concentrated only in the valley. Indeed the valley's Hindu
population--some 140,000 people--fled after the insurgency began. The
rich went to their second homes in Delhi, the rest to miserable refugee
camps in Jammu. There was also fighting between Muslims and Buddhists in
Ladakh at the end of the 1980s.

The guerrillas could not beat the Indian state, and the population of
the valley became weary. The guerrillas alienated more and more people
as they became increasingly bullying, divided, and responsible for
random--and communal--acts of violence. Tariq Ali wrote in the London
Review of Books last year that in the late 1990s, 'The groups killed
each other's militants, kidnapped western tourists, drove Kashmiri
Hindus out of regions where they had lived for centuries, punished
Kashmiri Muslims who remained stubbornly secular and occasionally
knocked off a few Indian soldiers and officials.' Today secular
opposition groups have been pushed to the margins.

The dominance of the jihadi leadership of the movement only exacerbates
the fear of the Hindu and Buddhist populations that they are going to be
dominated by the Muslims of the valley who want to join Pakistan. And
the BJP and Hindu communalists are only too happy to whip up such fears.
How can communal divisions be prevented from spreading? What should the
stance of socialists be?

I believe socialists should say three things. Firstly, neither India nor
Pakistan can be supported as a preference. The repression of the Indian
state is vile and must be opposed, but there would not be greater peace,
freedom or security if Kashmir were to join Pakistan, a country still
dominated by the army and the landlords. Both powers must withdraw.

Secondly, Kashmiris must be given the right to genuine self
determination, including the choice of independence, with guaranteed
rights for Buddhists and Hindus. The Pakistani state claims to support
self determination for Kashmir but does so in rhetoric only. It opposes
independence, insisting only accession to India or Pakistan are the
options. In reality it wants the military incorporation of the state
into its boundaries.

Thirdly, socialists must stress the need to build unity of the poor and
exploited throughout the region, be they Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist or
Sikh. The Baluchis developed quite a sophisticated understanding of this
whilst fighting the Pakistani state in the 1970s. 'We will fight for our
right to self determination,' they said. But 'what is the point of
fighting for my own self determination, if I do not also fight the
landlords and the exploiters?'

The legacy of partition is that the people of the sub-continent have
been divided on the grounds of religion and nationality. The alternative
is undermining these divisions by building unity through class struggle.


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