Even the fundamentalist suicide bombers dont usually just target open air
markets. They target police or lineups of people waiting to sign up for
security forces etc. The resistance is manifold. US forces are still prime
targets and the toll of dead and injured is still rising day by day.
Government officials are prime targets and have been dispatched in
increasing numbers. Sabotage of oil and other facilities is also an aim as
is to make supply lines unsafe driving up the cost of what is a continued
occupation. You talk of unreconstructed Saddamites. I guess this contrasts
with the reconstructed Saddamites such as Allawi who front for and
co-operate with the imperial occupation.

Cheers, Ken Hanly
----- Original Message -----
From: "Doug Henwood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, July 29, 2004 10:05 AM
Subject: Re: [PEN-L] Israel pushing for Kurdish state? -

> Yoshie Furuhashi wrote:
> >Have you added up all the Iraqi civilians killed by various factions
> >of Iraqi and non-Iraqi terrorists and compared the number to that of
> >Iraqi civilians killed by US and other foreign troops who invaded and
> >have occupied Iraq and by economic sanctions before the invasion and
> >occupation?
> >
> >Americans who vote for John Kerry who will be the next POTUS, aka the
> >biggest terrorist and war criminal, have no moral standing to pretend
> >to be appalled by un-American terrorists.
> >
> >Only those who do not vote for Kerry or Bush have the moral standing
> >to criticize foreign terrorists.
> What a load of crap. Elections are about contesting for power, and
> often involve debased compromises; votes aren't symptoms of moral
> purity.
> And why is it impossible to hold two thoughts in mind at once? The
> sanctions were murderous and the war a horrible crime. There's no
> doubt that the U.S. and its very junior partners have killed far more
> Iraqi civilians than the "resistance." But there are some people on
> the western left - some of them members of PEN-L, even - who can't
> acknowledge that a lot of the Iraqi "resistance" consists of
> jihadists and unreconstructed Saddamites, i.e., absolutely awful
> forces.
> As Christian Parenti said when he returned from his first trip to
> Iraq - there's no way anything good can come of this.
> Doug

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