--- Yoshie Furuhashi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

If Kurds, Kashmiris, Chechens, etc. exercised the
right to
self-determination, would that necessarily result in
the breakup of
Iran, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, India, and Russia?
Presumably, they could
very well choose to remain part of the countries in
which they
currently reside -- especially if most of the armed
militants in
Kashmir and Chechnya were indeed foreigners as you and
Chris have
suggested (on this point I am myself agnostic).

I don't think the _majority_ of fighters in Chechnya
are foreigners. Most of them are 15- to 20-year-old
Chechen men who have grown up thinking this way of
life is normal. But the presence of the international
mujaheedin and their ideology is foreign, and it is
that ideology and international muj fighters
themselves that were decisive in starting the current

I think it should be pretty obvious that a secular
region in an atheist country does not mutate into a
fundamentalist Islamic state in four years without
foreign influence. Actually the Islamic Code of
Chechnya was copied from the Sudanese one.

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