--- "Devine, James" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
it's clear that the USSR subsidized its satellites,
but that doesn't
make it any less of an empire, since the USSR didn't
grant its "allies"
independence until the USSR itself was falling apart.
All it says is
that you can't generalize from US-dominated capitalist
imperialism to
apply abstract theories to the USSR-dominated empire,
just as you can't
generalize from the classical Roman empire to apply
abstract theories to
the US- or USSR-dominated empires. (Similarly, just
because the USSR was
a class society doesn't mean that we can generalize
from our
understanding of capitalsm to apply abstract theories
to it.)


Russians lived more poorly than people in any other of
the republics or in the Eastern Bloc (except maybe
Albania?). Moscow may have been a possible exception.
It's one of the reasons why Russia junked them.
Ironically, those losses of subsidies have resulted in
the wealthiest of the republics -- like Georgia and
Moldova -- into the poorest. Russians now live better
than people anywhere else in the fSU, except maybe the
Baltics, which is why you have so much illegal
immigration from them into Russia.

There are lots of Soviet jokes depicting Castro as
sucking at Brezhnev's teat.

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