>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 08/02/04 6:22 PM >>>
"No Bounce for Kerry":

bounce thing is extremely overrated, has had little relation to
electoral winner, if memory serves, with exception of clinton in 92,
candidates with biggest bounces have lost (and carter almost lost), most
have been dems...

in any event, room for bounce this year was negligible if poll numbers
can be believed,
bush, kerry, nader numbers leave few undecideds...

kerry people appear to believe that they can beat bush (just barely) on
issues except for 'security', poll numbers going into convention
indicated solid bush lead in that area, dems seem to think that if they
simply say things about 'making 'america stronger', 'protecting
homeland', and 'destroying terrorists' enough times they will whittle
away at bush in this area (all the while blathering on about kerry's
wartime mettle, blah, blah, blah)...

strategy suggests that kerry people hope to barely make it over hump in
strategy also conveys that kerry campaign is absent any other appeals,
has attractiveness of flagpole sitting in drawing attention to drab

related point: tv media abandoned past convention coverage in giving
reps so many opportunities to sprinkle on dem parade...    michael

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