--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Any modern economy operating on the basis of the
exchange of labor is going to manifest economic
inequality. What Russia junked was socialism. The
people of the Soviet Union understood that Brezhnev
was not a Red. I remember their jokes from this period
. . . concerning Brezhnev trying to impress his mother
with his power and wealth and privileges.

At the end of the story . . . Brezhnev's mother looks
at him and says . . . "you have done well son . . .
but what you gonna do when the Reds come back?"

Everybody in the USSR knew about his fleet of cars,
his big boat, and the stuff with women and alcohol.
Andropov distributed videotapes of Brezhnev engaging
in compromising behavior as part of his anti-Brezhnev
campaign -- unfortunately for him, not many Soviets
had VCRs! That said, the Brezhnev-era USSR was a
reasonably OK place to live for most of the
population, if you weren't unlucky enough to get stuck
in a communal apartment with bad neighbors. It was the
apex of the Soviet way of life.

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