--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Why does the Japanese produce better vehicles and the
old Soviet vehicles ... as massed produced . . . not
specialized .. . were of an inferior quality?  One
thread of thought says the Soviet system was inferior
to the American system and the Soviet workers were
lazy, stupid, culturally backwards and lacked freedom
of _expression due to their bureaucracy.  This is the
exact argument advanced by a section of the
intellectual stratum of Japan against their American

It's not because they were lazy or stupid, it's
because they couldn't be fired for doing a bad job. Or
most anything else  -- many workplaces had one or two
incorrigible alcoholics who would come in to work and
be told to sleep it off in the back room. (They were
given the worst jobs though.)

All Soviet goods were sold with the date of
manufacture, and the purchaser invariable made sure
not to buy something made after a holiday or on a
Monday (to avoid hangover-related shoddiness) or at
teh end of the month (which meant everybody was
working ful speed to fulfill the plan).

Note that in areas where the Soviets _did_ discipline
labor -- the military and aeronautics, for instance --
their goods were surburb.

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