If this reflects the thinking of the PRC leadership, these guys are
even scarier than our current neo-liberal overlords: they want to get
rid of the one redeeming feature of neo-liberalism - its consistent
support (or at least tolerance) of popular democracy. And replace it
with "state-enforced harmony". Is that Mandarin for Fascism?

Change without movement, Harper’s [6/09], Kevin Baker
Excerpted from The Dragon Rising, Vol. I of Li Xian’s The Chinese
Century, HarperChina. Translated from the Chinese by Peter Moore.
Yet the iron laws of logic that foretold its fall were ignored in the
enthusiasm of the moment. Barack Obama’s election was originally
hailed as a great reversal of that decline. His rhetorical (if vague)
insistence upon sweeping “change” in the way the national government
conducted its business, his mobilization of many younger voters, and
his utilization of advanced communications technology to conduct the
campaign all contributed to the idea that a genuine people’s
“movement” had brought the young leader to power. These were, in fact,
the most superficial of reforms. The pampered youth of the American
bourgeois classes came to believe that their mere attendance at
rallies and the symbolic choices they made between factions in the
election booths constituted a movement—even a sort of revolution.
Sincere though their intentions were, they lacked the historical
knowledge of the sustained sacrifice that revolutionary struggle
entails. They could not see that their efforts had brought “change”
without any real political movement behind it, and therefore no true
change at all.

The new president might have better heeded his predecessor’s first,
prudent steps toward silencing political opposition in time of
national emergency. Instead, his glasnost-like policies met with that
idea’s same ruinous results. A gesture of openness to the frivolous
American media was only met with the usual anarchic outcries for still
more information. Overtures of friendship toward leaders of the
opposition faction in the Congress, such as Senators McConnell, Bond,
and Cornyn, and Representatives Boehner and Hoekstra, were viewed as
signs of weakness, and merely solicited further demands for
power-sharing. It will seem strange today to many in Asia, or even in
the “Failed World” of the West—where nation after nation has of late
moved away from the constraints of the multiparty state—that such
individuals were not summarily charged with high treason. But such
were the logical endpoints of American-style “democracy.”


The traditional martial values of self-discipline, delayed
gratification, and the sacrifice of the individual on behalf of the
group are likely at last to teach Americans that the people may move a
mountain, but only if they work together. There can be no change
without movement, and no movement without state-enforced harmony.


Really ?? What a coincidence, I'm shallow too!!
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