Published on Wedesday, December 15, 2004 by
Tentative Settlement Reached in Landmark Unocal-Burma Case
by Jim Lobe

WASHINGTON -- A tentative settlement has been reached in two landmark
lawsuits brought by unnamed Burmese plaintiffs against California oil
giant, Unocal, for serious human rights abuses inflicted against them and
their communities by soldiers building a pipeline route for the company.

The precise terms of the settlement, which was announced in a joint
statement by Unocal and EarthRights International (ERI) - - the
plaintiffs' representatives - - were not divulged.

"Although the terms are confidential," the statement said, "the settlement
in principle will compensate plaintiffs and provide funds enabling
plaintiffs and their representatives to develop programs to improve living
conditions, health care and education and protect the rights of people
from the pipeline region."

"These initiatives will provide substantial assistance to people who may
have suffered hardships in the region," the statement, which is posted on
the websites of both Unocal and ERI ( and

ERI added that it was "thrilled (and) ecstatic" over the settlement, but
ERI's lead attorney in the case, Rick Herz, declined to elaborate in an

The case, which was originally filed in federal court in 1996 under the
Alien Tort Claims Act (ATCA), has traveled a tortuous route through the
U.S. and California court systems over the last nine years. The settlement
is designed to end litigation in both the state and the federal cases.

Considerable attention was paid to the federal case because it was one of
the first filed against corporations under ATCA. The law was passed by
Congress in 1789, it gave federal district courts jurisdiction over any
civil action by a foreigner against any other person on U.S. territory for
acts committed abroad "in violation of the law of nations or a treaty of
the United States."

The law, which was originally aimed at piracy, lay dormant for some 190
years before human rights attorneys began using it in the 1980s on behalf
of victims of abuses committed overseas. Some of the cases were filed
against foreign dictators such as former Philippine President Ferdinand
Marcos, and senior military officers from Guatemala, Indonesia, Argentina,
Ethiopia and El Salvador who were residing or visiting in the United

While damages have been awarded in almost all such cases, they have rarely
been collected, primarily because defendants fled the U.S. after receiving
legal service.

Attorneys began bringing cases against U.S. and foreign corporations - -
usually involving alleged abuses committed by foreign armies or police
that were providing security for the companies - - under ATCA in the
mid-1990s. Although the trial courts dismissed most of them, some,
including the Unocal case, have been working their way through the federal
judiciary. No case involving corporate defendants has yet been heard by
the Supreme Court.

The most successful have been brought by survivors of the Nazi Holocaust
against foreign companies and banks that rejected their efforts at
recovering money or insurance claims after World War Two. While none of
these ever came to trial, they helped induce Swiss banks to negotiate
settlements worth more than US$1 billion.

A settlement in the Unocal case would appear to be the second case in
which a settlement has been reached. In that respect, it could also create
a precedent for several other pending cases against oil companies,
including one brought by Indonesian plaintiffs from Aceh province against
ExxonMobil and another by Nigerian plaintiffs from the Delta region
against Shell.

The Unocal case revolved around allegations by the plaintiffs that they or
their family members had suffered a variety of serious abuses, including
forced relocation, forced labor, rape, torture, and murder at the hands of
Burmese army units that were securing the route of the Yadana pipeline
project managed by a consortium of companies, including Unocal, Frances
Total, and the Burmese state oil company, during the construction of the

Plaintiffs contended that the Unocal knew or should have known that the
military had a record of committing such rights abuses, that it knew or
should have known that it did commit such abuses during the project, and
that it benefited from the commission of such abuses, particularly
forcible labor and relocation.

In a landmark decision that reversed the trial court's decision that
plaintiffs had to show that Unocal also wanted the military to commit
those abuses, a federal appeals court ruled in 2002 that plaintiffs needed
only to demonstrate that Unocal knowingly assisted the military in
perpetrating the abuses, and that plaintiffs had presented enough evidence
to that effect so the case should go to trial.

At the same time, plaintiffs filed a similar action in state court under
California tort and unfair business practices laws. In June 2002, a state
court judge rejected Unocal's request for a dismissal, finding that
plaintiffs had presented sufficient evidence that a jury could find Unocal
to have been vicariously liable for the military's human rights abuses.

Unocal's hope of avoiding a full-scale trial -- either in federal or state
court or both - - was further set back by two other decisions handed down
in the last six months.

In the most significant decision, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld by a 6-3
vote the continued validity of ATCA despite a major challenge by the
administration of President George W. Bush and several major business
associations that argued in "friend of the court" briefs that the law
should not give victims of serious abuses the right to sue for damages in
U.S. courts. Although the Court did not rule on the applicability of the
Act to corporate activities, it found that "for the purposes of civil
liability, the torturer has become - - like the pirate and the slave
trader before him - - hostis humani generic, an enemy of all mankind."

Bush's Justice Department had argued that the ATCA, as "somewhat of a
historical relic," could not be permitted to provide "an untethered grant
of authority to the courts to establish and enforce precepts of
international law regarding disputes arising in foreign countries."

Unocal had hoped that the Supreme Court, which had never ruled on an ATCA
case before, would have accepted the arguments of the administration and
its business allies and effectively gutted the Act. But it did not get its

Then, in mid-September, the California state judge rejected a new Unocal
appeal for the case to be dismissed, effectively ending the first phase of
a trial and preparing the way for a jury to be empanelled.

With jury trials pending, Unocal apparently decided to settle the case,
which, according to the federal court, should be finalized by February 1,

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