13 Dec 2004
Michael Crichton's State of Confusion

In a departure from normal practice on this site, this post is a commentary
on a piece of out-and-out fiction (unlike most of the other posts which
deal with a more subtle kind). Michael Crichton's new novel "State of Fear"
is about a self-important NGO hyping the science of the global warming to
further the ends of evil eco-terrorists. The inevitable conclusion of the
book is that global warming is a non-problem. A lesson for our times maybe?
Unfortunately, I think not.

Like the recent movie "The Day After Tomorrow", the novel addresses real
scientific issues and controversies, but is similarly selective (and
occasionally mistaken) about the basic science. I will discuss a selection
of the global warming-related issues that are raised in between the car
chases, shoot-outs, cannibalistic rites and assorted derring-do. The
champion of Crichton's scientific view is a MIT academic-turned-undercover
operative who clearly runs intellectual rings around other characters. The
issues are raised as conversations and Q and A sessions between him (and
other 'good guys') and two characters; an actor (not a very clever chap)
and a lawyer (a previously duped innocent), neither of whom know much about
the science.

So for actors and lawyers everywhere, I will try and help out.

The issues Crichton raises are familiar to those of us in the field, and
come up often in discussions. Some are real and well appreciated while some
are red herrings and are used to confuse rather than enlighten.

The first set of comments relate to the attribution of the recent warming
trend to increasing CO2. One character suggests that "if CO2 didn't cause
the global cooling between 1940 and 1970, how can you be sure it is
responsible for the recent warming?" (paraphrased from p86) . Northern
Hemisphere mean temperatures do appear to have cooled over that period, and
that contrasts with a continuing increase in CO2, which if all else had
been equal, should have led to warming. But were all things equal? Actually
no. In the real world, there is both internal variability and other factors
that affect climate (i.e. other than CO2). Some of those other forcings
(sulphate and nitrate aerosols, land use changes, solar irradiance,
volcanic aerosols, for instance) can cause cooling. Matching up the real
world with what we might expect to have happened depends on including ALL
of the forcings (as best as we can). Even then any discrepancy might be due
to internal variability (related principally to the ocean on multi-decadal
time scales). Our current 'best guess' is that the global mean changes in
temperature (including the 1940-1970 cooling) are actually quite closely
related to the forcings. Regional patterns of change appear to be linked
more closely to internal variability (particularly the 1930's warming in
the North Atlantic). However, in no case has anyone managed to show that
the recent warming can be matched without the increases in CO2 (and other
GHGs like CH4).

Secondly, through the copious use of station weather data, a number of
single station records with long term cooling trends are shown. In
particular, the characters visit Punta Arenas (at the tip of South
America), where (very pleasingly to my host institution) they have the
GISTEMP station record posted on the wall which shows a long-term cooling
trend (although slight warming since the 1970's). "There's your global
warming" one of the good guys declares. I have to disagree. Global warming
is defined by the global mean surface temperature. It does not imply that
the whole globe is warming uniformly (which of course it isn't). (But that
doesn't stop one character later on (p381) declaring that "'s effect is
presumably the same everywhere in the world. That's why it's called global
warming"). Had the characters visited the nearby station of Santa Barbara
Aeropuerto, the poster on the wall would have shown a positive trend. Would
that have been proof of global warming? No. Only by amalgamating all of the
records we have (after correcting for known problems, such as discussed
below) can we have an idea what the regional, hemispheric or global means
are doing. That is what is meant by global warming.



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