You very much for your informative posting.  We need much more international 
like this one and the round of notes regarding Mexico.

Much that I have read suggests that the United States is playing into Iran's 
hand in 
strengthening its influence in Iraq.  You make Iran seem foolish.  Could you 
clarify a bit?

On Thu, Apr 14, 2005 at 04:53:37AM -0700, soula avramidis wrote:
> Dim-witted Iranian clerics are playing for time to build nuclear bombs 
> thinking they could outsmart the Americans and their Israeli allies. They 
> have unnecessarily prolonged the war in Iraq in the past and cost the region 
> untold suffering and agony based on the faulty premise that ‘the Iraqis 
> attacked first and so we should finish them off strategy.’ They are delaying 
> open resistance in Iraq by keeping the Shiites at bay while the Americans try 
> to finish off the Sunni triangle very much like they did in the late 
> nineteenth century when they assisted the European imperialist against the 
> Ottomans. No matter what happens, if the US pulls itself out of Iraq they 
> will be next and not solely because of nuclear facilities. The US has a 
> congenital intolerance to semi-sovereign states in the Middle East. It is not 
> Iran that is buying time. It is the US. While Iran waits for an outcome in 
> Iraq, a waiting whose undercurrent stenches with Persian anti Arab sentiment 
> as tolls of people go down,
>  one is reminded that “all waiting is a crime.”
Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929

Tel. 530-898-5321
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