These are titles from a conference that bring back memories.

Day 1              Imperialism and the nation-state


Theme I          Transformation of politics: Can the nation-state resist?  

                        Institutional dismantlement of the developmental state and prospects for                                                 representative democracy

New forms of imperialist supervision through the agenda of human rights and                  democracy

Military control of the periphery: Unilateral intervention, private armies,   lessons from the Iraqi invasion

New (“peaceful”) techniques of  “regime change”


Theme II         Resistance and alternatives to the neo-liberal agenda       

Economic instability of the imperialist system: USA; EU, Asia and the rest.

Two generations of  “market-friendly reforms”: Where do we stand now?

National experiences of deviations from and/or resistance to Bretton Woods                  institutions and at the WTO from nation-states of the South

Moderate unorthodoxy or radical departures from conventional wisdom


Day 2              Disorientation and resistance at the “grass roots”


Theme III     What is happening to the class map?  

The working class; marginalisation/informalisation of the reserve army of             labour

New patterns of urban poverty

Contemporary forms of primitive accumulation

                        Destruction of agrarian relations of production:  Is there a future for the                                      peasant?


Theme IV       New ontologies of adaptation and resistance

Survival under and everyday resistance to the structural violence and insecurity   of ‘the market’

                        Organised resistance to neoliberalism: Trade unions, peasant movements,                                   issue-based opposition, womens’ struggles

                        Ideological upheavals: Religion as a refuge of the poor? A means  of                                          domination? An act of resistance by popular classes?  

                        Islamic fundamentalism: Where does it stand?


Day 3              Round table on prospects for counter-hegemonic, un-systemic, “socialist”


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